◆ 会议时间:2023年5月30日至6月3日
◆ 会议地点:美国 丹佛(Denver)
◆ 会议简介:
ACSM认证是健康与健身行业最权威、最具挑战性的职业认证,在世界范围内被认为是行业的“黄金标准”。 ACSM是世界上第一个职业认证健康健身专家的机构,它建立了其它健康培训机构用来做测试等所使用的锻炼方针和运动处方依据。因此,ACSM是健康、健身行业内设立标准的组织,也是行业的知识源。ACSM的认证都经过NCCA(美国国家质检委员会)授权,从而保证了它的最高品质。ACSM具有在运动与医学、运动损伤与康复领域最权威性的认证!ACSM完善的持续的教育和培训体系可以赐予认证教练训练各类特殊人群的能力!未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。
ACSM 2023 - 70th Annual Meeting of American College of Sports Medicine
World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine
World Congress on Exercise is Medicine
Dates: May 30 – June 3, 2023
Headquarter Hotel – Hyatt Regency Denver
Convention Center – Denver Convention Center
Join more than 6,000 basic and applied scientists and clinical medicine professionals to learn, network, and earn continuing education credits and continuing medical education credits. This comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science conference is the one place you can get it all — programming that covers the science, practice, public health, and policy aspects of sports medicine, exercise science, and physical activity.
Call for Scientific Abstracts and Clinical Case Papers
Submission deadline: Dec. 20, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PST
The 2023 annual meeting will be an in-person event with an online component. You can submit an in-person-only or online-only scientific abstract or clinical case.
Scientific Abstract and Clinical Case Submission Fees:
- In-person only: $50
- Online only (ePoster): $100
Scientific Abstract Submission Information
Preparing the Abstract
- Abstract character count is limited to 2,000 characters (not including spaces, title or author block). Tables, charts and graphs count as 300 characters.
- Do not use brand names in the abstract.
- Indicate grant-funding information at the bottom of the abstract.
- The abstract must be written in English and grammatically correct.
- Do not include abstract title or author information in the abstract body.
Title: The title should be brief (˂15 words).
Authors: The first and last names of the authors will be included in the author block. Do not include degree titles; these interfere with online search functions.
Institutions: Include all authors’ institutional affiliation. Do not include departments.
Sponsored Fellow Notation: If an ACSM fellow sponsors the abstract without authoring or co-authoring it, provide the fellow’s name and email address in your online submission.
Text: The abstract must be informative, including a statement of the study’s specific PURPOSE, METHODS, summary of RESULTS and CONCLUSION statement using these headings. It is unsatisfactory to state “The results will be discussed.”
ePoster Submission Information
The above submission rules apply to ePoster submission, including the following details:
- ePosters are the online-only abstract/clinical case presentations.
- ePosters can be submitted as either a scientific abstract or clinical case.
- ePoster presentations are for those submitters who have no plans to attend and present in-person.
- ePoster submissions will be limited to the first 300 submissions.
- The non-refundable fee for submitting an ePoster is $100.
- ePoster presenters will not be scheduled to present the ePoster at a specific date or time during the week of the meeting. However, they will be expected to periodically check the chat during the week.
ACSM2023 注册费:
In-Person Key Features
- 200+ hours of education
- 28.5 CME and CECs
- 1500+ scientific abstract/clinical case
- Networking events
- exhibit hall and more
Online Programming Key Features*
- 13 hours of unique online-only content
- Over 50+ hours of recorded live sessions
- 20 CECs and 10+ CME credits
- Select scientific abstract/clinical case e-posters
- On-demand access
- *Online platform available for 90 days starting June 12
Cancellation Policy
- In-Person Registration Only: In-person registration may be cancelled up to 15 days prior to the event date.
- Professional Registration: $150 cancellation fee.
- Student Registration: $50 cancellation fee.
- No refunds will be issued within 15 days of the event including no-shows.
- Online Programming Only: There are no cancellations/refunds for online only programming.
- Combo Registration: Combo registration may be cancelled up to 15 days prior to the event date.
- Professional Registration: $150 cancellation fee.
- Student Registration: $50 cancellation fee.
- No refunds will be issued within 15 days of the event including no-shows.
- There will be no cancellations/refunds for failure to follow our Health & Safety protocols or a COVID-19 positive test within 24hours of the event date.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。