◆ 会议时间:2023年6月23日至26日
◆ 会议地点:美国 国家海港(National Harbor, MD)
◆ 会议简介:
ASE 2023
34th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE)
Date: June 23-26, 2023
Venue Gaylord National Harbor Resort & Convention Center,
National Harbor, MD, USA
ASE's Scientific Sessions are the premier international conference devoted specifically to cardiovascular ultrasound in clinical patient care. It is a vital event for practicing echocardiographers and offers a full spectrum of educational events including symposia discussing novice, intermediate, and advanced techniques. Research featuring leading cardiovascular ultrasound experts is also highlighted. The program is an opportunity for all interested healthcare practitioners to explore contemporary issues and emerging developments in the field of cardiovascular ultrasound. All levels of practitioners will find sessions that meet their needs, help improve their practice, and benefit their professional growth.
Key Dates
October 5, 2022
Abstract submission opens.
February 8, 2023
Deadline for abstract submission and editing – 11:59 PM ET
March 27, 2023
Notification to Presenting Authors of acceptance status.
Abstract Presenter registration opens.
Authors do not need to be ASE members to participate.
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
A non-refundable $30.00 (thirty U.S. dollars) processing fee is required for each abstract submitted, payable online only. Purchase orders, checks, and electronic bank transfers will not be accepted. This fee covers administration and online costs associated with the submission, grading, notification, and assignment processes.
The abstract submission fee is non-refundable whether the abstract is accepted for presentation or not. There are no exceptions.
Is there a character limit for my abstract?
A. Your abstract may contain no more than 2,250 characters, not including spaces. Regardless of the size, a single graphic or table counts as 250 characters and is included as part of the 2,250 character limit. The submission site will automatically calculate your abstract’s characters and notify you if the submission exceeds the maximum character limit.
How should my abstract content be formatted?
A. Abstracts of original science – Content should be structured into the following four (4) sections:
- Background:
- Methods:
- Results:
- Conclusion:
A. Clinical cases – Content should be structured into the following four (4) sections:
- Clinical Presentation:
- Imaging Findings:
- Role of Imaging in Patient Care:
- Summary and Discussion Points:
Submission Categories
Abstracts will be accepted for consideration in the following categories:
- Adult Patient Cases
- Critical Care Cases NEW!
- Pediatric & Congenital Patient Cases
- Multi-Modality Cases NEW!
- My Best Heart Team Cases NEW!
- Veterinary Medicine Cases
- Adult Congenital Heart Disease
- Athlete’s Heart
- Cardio-Oncology
- Critical Illness NEW!
- Cardio-Obstetrics NEW!
- Diseases of the Aorta / Vascular Diseases
- Echocardiography in SOE / Arrhythmias / Atrial Function
- Echocardiography in Systemic Diseases (DM, HTN, Obesity) / Pericardial Disease
- Echocardiography in Myocardial Disease (HCM, Amyloidosis, Sarcoidosis, Chagas)
- Adult & Pediatric Heart Failure / Transplant / Other
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease
- Valvular Heart Disease: Aortic
- Valvular Heart Disease: Mitral
- Valvular Heart Disease: Tricuspid & Pulmonic
- Veterinary / Comparative Medicine
- 3D Echocardiography
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Contrast Echocardiography
- Doppler / Hemodynamics
- Perioperative Echocardiography NEW!
- Interventional Echocardiography (Operating Room and Interventional Lab) NEW!
- Developing Technology and InnovationNEW!
- Multi-Modality Imaging NEW!
- Quality / Practice Improvement / Education
- Ventricular Function / Myocardial Mechanics
- Value of Echocardiography (Quality & Cost) / Outcomes / Comparative Effectiveness
ASE2023 注册费:
ASE 2023 In-Person: Registration includes a maximum of 29.75 CME/MOC points (pending approval), Welcome and President’s Receptions, breakfast, and coffee breaks. In-person registrants receive unlimited access to recordings (audio and PowerPoint only) from six main track rooms for 90 days from Tuesday, July 11, 2023, to Monday, October 9, 2023. Attendees may claim CME credits for attending sessions in-person.
ASE 2023 Virtual: Registration includes access to the live streaming of specific sessions and a maximum of 24.25 CME/MOC points (pending approval). Virtual registrants will receive unlimited access to recordings (audio and PowerPoint only) from the live-streamed sessions for 90 days from Tuesday, July 11, 2023, to Monday, October 9, 2023. Virtual attendees may claim CME credits for watching either the live-streamed or recorded sessions.
*You will receive a small discount if you purchase the ASE 2023 Conference Online Library as a bundle with registration. The Library is $199 for ASE members and $250 for nonmembers when not bundled with a registration. The price will increase after the conference to $299 for ASE members and $399 for nonmembers. The Library includes unlimited online access, for three (3) years, to the 2023 Scientific Sessions, including live audio, screen capture with animation, mouse pointer, and embedded video
**IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ABSTRACT PRESENTERS If you are submitting an abstract for ASE 2023 and wish to receive the discounted registration rate for abstract presenters, please do not register before receiving an acceptance notification on Monday, March 27, 2023. No refunds/adjustments for full-price registrations submitted before notification. Abstract Submission FAQ
ACTIVE OR RETIRED U.S. MILITARY (In-Person and Virtual Registrations): ASE honors all active and veteran military attendees! If you have served in the U.S. military and would like to participate in the ASE Scientific Sessions, please email Registrar@ASEcho.org to receive a discount code for the registration fee. Please include a copy of your active or retired military ID or DD214 form and omit any personal information from the submitted document, such as your social security number.
ASE年会-2023 ASE超声会议-ASE超声心动图学会年会-ASE超声年会
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。