◆ 会议时间:2024年9月19-21日
◆ 会议地点:美国 明尼阿波利斯
◆ 会议简介:
ASSH 2024 - 79th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
Date: September 19-21, 2024
Venue: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Symposia and Instructional Course Lecture submissions will receive notifications in January 2024. Clinical Papers and ePosters, Hand.e Video Theater, Residents & Fellows Papers and ePosters, and the International Guest Society ePosters will receive notifications in May 2024. Authors will have the opportunity to make any final changes to their abstract for a limited period of time after they have been notified of the abstract’s acceptance.
- NOTE: The ASSH does not pay for any meeting related costs for accepted presenters including hotel travel or registration fees. Special arrangements for international guests for Instructional Courses or Symposia to cover lodging and/or meeting registration fees must be made in advance and receive approval from the Program Chair(s).
- If you are chosen to be a presenter, you are required to register and pay to attend the conference.
- Scientific Abstracts (Clinical Papers and R/F Conference presentations; ePosters and International ePosters) must include the following sections: Hypothesis, Methods, Results and Summary Points and are limited to a maximum of 400 words. An abstract may be edited and published by the ASSH if accepted.
- Scientific Abstracts are marketed as “never-before-heard” material. Please do not submit paper or poster proposals which have been published presented or are scheduled for presentation/publication prior to September 2024.
- A maximum of two images may accompany an abstract submission (includes any graphics tables or charts). All images must be “print-ready” with a minimum 300 DPI at the time of submission. If accepted, the abstract and images will be reproduced in an abstract book.
- The Societies require that all speakers at programs granting Continuing Medical Education credit provide a financial/commercial disclosure statement. All financial interests in the product or process involved with the research must be properly identified. This includes stock ownership, membership on an advisory board or board of directors, corporate sponsored research or any other substantive relationship. A disclosure statement will be collected from EACH author listed on the abstract. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to obtain these disclosures from each author!
- An accepted abstract may be edited and published by the ASSH.
- Those who have an accepted abstract for paper presentation by the ASSH Program Committee (for the General Session and/or the Residents and Fellows Conference) will be required to provide a manuscript for review by the program discusser.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。