◆ 会议时间:2024年9月4-7日
◆ 会议地点:葡萄牙 里斯本
◆ 会议简介:
欧洲研究皮肤科学会(ESDR)成立于1970年,是一个致力于促进皮肤病相关基础和临床科学的非营利性组织。ESDR是欧洲最大的皮肤病研究学会,目前拥有超过1200名会员。通过支持皮肤病学的研究,ESDR有助于改善患有皮肤病病人的健康。最新科学成就宣的应用促进了皮肤病学实践诊断和治疗的创新,尤其是在遗传学、皮肤癌、过敏性皮肤病、传染病和自身免疫性疾病等方面。ESDR的年度科学会议于每年9月在欧洲举行。每隔5年,ESDR与美国研究皮肤科学会(SID)、日本研究皮肤科学会(JSID)联合举办国际研究皮肤病学会团体大会(ISID-International Societies for Investigative Dermatology Meeting)。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)
53rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR 2024)
Date: 4-7 September 2024
Lisbon Congress Center, Lisbon, Portugal
The content of the annual ESDR meeting includes guest lectures from internationally recognised scientists, cutting-edge "frontier" talks in skin science, oral presentations from peer-reviewed abstracts, educational symposia on a wide-range of topics, electronic and paper presentations of posters and interactive workshop-type sessions. With an attendance of over 1000, ESDR meetings attract basic and clinical scientists with an interest in dermatology to discover the latest findings lab-based, clinical and translational research.
Abstract Submissions:
05 March – 03 June 2024 at 6:00 pm CET
Late Breaking Abstract Submission:
01 – 19 July 2024
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Please complete the steps in the on-line abstract submission procedure on the ESDR abstract submission website adhering to the instructions given there. To submit the abstract text, you must copy your text into the form provided. Do not exceed 2300 characters (including spaces, authors and affiliations).
Abstracts must conform to the following standards:
- Maximum of 10 co-authors.
- Please indicate each co-author’s principal affiliation only.
- DO NOT exceed 2300 characters including spaces (also including authors and affiliations). Overly long abstracts may be edited.
- DO NOT use graphics or tables.
- DO NOT use subheadings like “RESULTS, DISCUSSION” etc in your text. These will be deleted.
- DO NOT number sections in your abstract.
- DO NOT put author names or affiliations in the abstract text. This will help to ensure that your abstract is reviewed fairly.
- DO NOT use capitals or underline for emphasis in the text. Use the standard Symbol font for Greek and math symbols.
- DO NOT mention support of work by a research grant.
- DO NOT include references. These will be deleted.
- The title must be brief and indicate clearly the nature of the investigation. The title should be upper and lowercase letters. Abbreviations must not be used in the title.
- Nonproprietary (generic) names should be given the first time a drug is mentioned in the body of the abstract and should be written in small letters. The first letter of a proprietary name is always capitalized, e.g., cyproheptadine (Periactin).
- The abstract body should be organised as follows:
- a sentence describing the purpose of the study;
- a statement of experimental design or method used;
- a summary of results, presented in sufficient detail to support the conclusion; and
- a statement of conclusions reached.
- It is not satisfactory to state “The results will be discussed…” or “Other data will be presented.”
Failure to follow these instructions will result in a low priority score and may cause disqualification of your abstract.
Dear friends,
Together with all members of the ESDR board, I look forward welcoming you in the beautiful city of Lisbon for the 53rd edition of the ESDR annual meeting. Over the centuries, Lisbon has been home to countless explorers and discoverers, driven by their eagerness to break through geographic and human boundaries. Curiosity is also what has brought investigative dermatology to its currently leading position in life sciences.
Our Program Committee, chaired by Neil Rajan, has prepared a superb scientific agenda with many renowned keynote speakers representing all major fields in investigative dermatology and new formats which will add to the meeting a novel dimension. As always, we will owe the main part of the meeting and its success to you all. We are looking forward to your participation and scientific contributions in whatever field of relevance to dermatology you may be working !
As in the past, the ESDR will support the participation of young investigators to the meeting. In addition, we expect the Lisbon meeting to take place in an environment made as global and inclusive as possible. The ESDR will consequently provide travel grants to researchers from underprivileged areas of the world. Please stay tuned for more information on our travel grant programs !
We look forward seeing you in Lisbon
ESDR President 2023-2024
Until Wednesday 10 July 2024, 11:59 PM CEST. (Excluding VAT)
ESDR and ISID Members €400
Members of ISID affiliated societies including: ASDR, KSID, JSID, SID and TSID
Non Members €650
Student/Resident, Eastern Europe and LMI countries* ESDR/ISID Members €175
Student/Resident applicants must include a copy of student ID or letter from head of department confirming student/resident status during registration
Student/Resident, Eastern Europe and LMI countries* Non Members
Student/Resident applicants must include a copy of student ID or letter from head of department confirming student/resident status during registration
One Day pass (Wednesday) €200
From Thursday 11 July 2024 (Excluding VAT)
ESDR and ISID Members €550
Members of ISID affiliated societies including: ASDR, KSID, JSID, SID and TSID
Non Members €750
Student/Resident, Eastern Europe and LMI countries* ESDR/ISID Members €300
Student/Resident applicants must include a copy of student ID or letter from head of department confirming student/resident status during registration
Student/Resident, Eastern Europe and LMI countries* Non Members
Student/Resident applicants must include a copy of student ID or letter from head of department confirming student/resident status during registration
One Day pass (Wednesday) €200
*Official LMI countries list can be found here.
All participants must create a new account or use an existing account and register via the Online Portal. Please read the instructions below carefully and consider using a personal email account if your work email is connected to an institute with high security and privacy settings as our emails may be transferred to junk folders. Each participant will receive a registration number by email after submitting the registration in the Online Portal. The preferred method of payment is by online card payment. As for payments completed by bank transfer, please proceed with the payment transfer only after receiving your registration number. Payment by bank transfer must include the registration number and participant’s name in the payment details. All the above fees exclude a local VAT of 23%. Unpaid or partially paid registration will not be considered valid until fully paid. All registration deadlines are applicable considering the local time (CET/CEST).
Registration Fee Includes
- Access to all Scientific Sessions
- Congress Materials – electronic program and Congress app
- Coffee-breaks
- Welcome Reception
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。