
◆ 会议时间:2025年5月17-21日
◆ 会议地点:美国 洛杉矶


◆ 会议简介:



APA 2025 - American Psychiatric Association (APA) Annual Meeting

Date: May 17-21, 2025
Venue: Los Angeles, Calif., USA


The 2025 APA Annual Meeting's theme is "Lifestyle for Positive Mental and Physical Health." As always, while submissions covering a wide range of Psychiatry topics will be reviewed and considered, the Scientific Program Committee encourages all submitters to keep this theme in mind.



2025 Submission site is closed as of September 12 at 5:00 p.m.

New Research Posters will re-open November 12, 2024 – January 9, 2025.


How to Submit a Poster

Format Description

  • Posters present new research and case findings
  • Literature review posters may also be submitted but must clearly state the methods, databases, and keywords used in the review and summarize how the review adds to existing literature on the subject
  • Posters on single case studies will not be accepted
  • Study data must be complete before submission and must be included within the submitted poster abstract
  • Only one presenter per poster
  • Maximum four co-authors per poster (co-authors do not present)
    • One co-author may be designated as the "lead author." Unless otherwise noted, the poster presenter is assumed to be the lead author.

Checklist for Submission

  • Poster title (maximum of 150 characters, with spaces)
    • Title should be brief, unique and interesting
  • Presenter information*
    • Completed profile
    • Financial disclosure form
    • Presenter release forms
    • Please note that your submission will not be finalized and sent to grading until the poster presenter and all co-authors complete their financial disclosure and presenter release forms
  • Co-authors
    • Use the "Add Co-Author" button to add any co-authors to your submission
  • Overall poster abstract (maximum of 3,000 characters, with spaces)
    • The abstract should be a concise description of results, findings, and conclusions.
    • Poster abstracts must include complete data analysis and results. Posters without results will be rejected, even if data are expected to be completed by the meeting.
    • Please do not include any references, citations, tables, or figures in your abstract.
    • Accepted poster abstracts will be published as-is in the meeting syllabus and proceedings. Please proofread your abstract before submitting.
  • References
    • List three or more peer-reviewed references published in the last five years to support your session content.
    • References may be formatted according to your preferred style guide.
  • Topic
    • Select one to two topics that best describe the overall focus of your proposed session.
    • Note: residents and medical students are asked to review their proposal with a faculty mentor prior to submission.

Download Example

*All presenters must create a profile and complete the required forms prior to submitting a proposal for review by the Scientific Program Committee. All presenters must be available to present at the meeting and must register for the meeting prior to the date of their presentatio



APA 2024 注册费:

  • Early Registration: December 6, 2023 - February 6, 2024
  • Advance Registration: February 7, 2024 - April 3, 2024
  • Late Advance Registration (Online Only): April 4, 2024 - May 3, 2024
  • On-site Registration: May 4, 2024 - May 8, 2024


In-Person Registration Rates

Meeting Only

APA Member Early Advance Late Advance Onsite
Psychiatrists $454 $515 $606 $721
Resident/ Fellow $143 $185 $224 $267
Medical Student $0 $0 $0 $20
One-Day Registrant $245 $283 $328 $390
Presenter1 $338 $338 $399 $475
Presenter Daily1 $186 $186 $235 $280
Honorary Fellow2 $0 $0 $0 $0
Nonmember Early Advance Late Advance Onsite
Psychiatrist/ Physician $1131 $1191 $1278 $1521
Resident/ Trainee $229 $273 $317 $377
One-Day Registrant $611 $645 $684 $814
Medical Student4 $229 $273 $317 $377
Mental Health Professional3,4 $229 $273 $317 $377
Presenter1 $853 $853 $945 $1125
Presenter Daily1 $465 $465 $563 $670


Gold (Meeting + On Demand)

APA Member Early Advance Late Advance On-site
Psychiatrists $853 $914 $1,005 $1,120
Resident/ Fellow $342 $384 $423 $466
Medical Student $199 $199 $199 $199
One-Day Registrant $644 $682 $727 $789
Presenter1 $737 $737 $798 $874
Presenter Daily1 $585 $585 $634 $679
Nonmember Early Advance Late Advance On-site
Psychiatrist/ Physician $1,530 $1,590 $1,677 $1,920
Resident/ Trainee $428 $472 $516 $576
One-Day Registrant $1,010 $1,044 $1,083 $1,213
Medical Student4 $428 $472 $516 $576
Mental Health Professional3,4 $428 $472 $516 $576
Presenter1 $1,252 $1,252 $1,344 $1,524
Presenter Daily1 $864 $864 $962 $1,069


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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