
◆ 会议时间:2025年10月8-11日
◆ 会议地点:丹麦 哥本哈根


◆ 会议简介:




EACTS 2025 - 39th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

8-11 October, 2025

Copenhagen, Denmark

The EACTS Annual Meeting is the largest cardio-thoracic meeting in the world focusing on scientific developments and research in the following specialities: Acquired Cardiac Disease, Congenital Heart Disease, Vascular Disease and Thoracic Disease. 



Abstract Submission Timeline

General abstract submission opens 1 February
General abstract submission closes  30 April
Blind abstract review takes place May
Abstract selection for the Annual Meeting programme  May/June
Abstract authors are notified of their status  June
Late Breaking abstract submission opens  1 July
Allied Health abstract submission closes  31 July
Late Breaking abstract submission closes  15 August
Award applicants must submit their full Manuscript to EJCTS or ICVTS (failure to do so will result in your application being void)  1 September
Late Breaking abstract author notifications  September
Manuscript submission to EJCTS or ICVTS  19 September

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>





EACTS 2024 注册费:

Annual Meeting Fee
(inc. AT VAT)
Early / Late (online) / Onsite
Techno College Fee –
Adult Cardiac **
(inc. AT VAT)
Early / Late (online)/ Onsite
Techno College Fee – Thoracic **
(inc. AT VAT)
Early / Late (online) / Onsite
Video On Demand***
(exc. UK VAT)
EACTS Member * €500 / €600 / €700 €250 / €360 / €460 €120 / €150 / €180 €150
Non-Member €1020 / €1200 / €1400 €550 / €660 / €760 €160 / €190 / €235 €250
Trainee/Allied Health/Low Income Country # €220 / €290 / €390 €120 / €180 / €240 €60 / €70 / €80 €50

DEADLINES: Early: up to and including 1 Jul 2024  / Late (online): 2 Jul – 7 Oct 2024  / Onsite: 9 – 12 Oct 2024

Your registration fee includes access to all scientific sessions Thursday-Saturday and entrance to the exhibition Thursday-Saturday . Techno College has a separate fee and will allow access on Wednesday only.  Access to the TV Studio and Video On Demand (for applicable sessions purchased) is also included.

* This category is for EACTS Members. Members are not automatically registered – if you wish to attend you must register. Those with a completed EACTS membership application may also register within this category. To qualify for the discounted member registration fees, EACTS membership fees must have been settled in full.  All other participants will have to register as non-members.

** Techno-College is a separate fee to the Annual Meeting – you should choose either Adult Cardiac or Thoracic – you will only have access to the sessions purchased.

***Video on demand is not a live stream.

# This category is for Trainee / Allied Health / Technicians / Perfusionists/ Students / Nurse & Physician Assistants and participants from Low Income Countries ^
Important information for Trainee/Allied Health registrations: Participants registering at the Concession fees MUST upload certification of their eligibility on official letterhead, both signed and stamped by their head of department when registering on-line.

^ Low Income Countries per the World Bank As of 30 March, 2023:
Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Korea (Dem. People’s Rep.)  Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia.

Video On Demand

Experience a feast of world class education and science with our EACTS Annual Meeting on demand.  If you are unable to attend in person make sure that you don’t miss out!  More than 150 sessions will be available for you to enjoy, bringing the latest science to your home or place of work for the duration of this year’s Annual Meeting.  Access to the EACTS TV channel (via the event app) is also included.


The EACTS TV channel will be screened to both our in-person and online audiences.

Professionally moderated and produced, the EACTS TV channel will broadcast a mixture of live and recorded content including:

  • selected prime session content broadcast in real time
  • KOL interactive panel sessions and debates
  • daily highlight broadcasts
  • interviews with keynote faculty and guests



◆ 参会对象:

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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