
◆ 会议时间:2025年3月29日至4月2日
◆ 会议地点:美国 纳什维尔


◆ 会议简介:



SIR 2025 - 50th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR)

Date: March 29–April 2, 2025
Venue: Music City Center, Nashville, TN, USA




Submission Deadlines:

  • Submit an Original Scientific Research abstract by September 26, 2024, 5:00 p.m. Eastern time
  • Submit an Educational Exhibit abstract by September 26, 2024, 5:00 p.m. Eastern time
  • Invited Coordinators only: Submit your Categorical Course or Angio-club Workshop by September 25, 2024, 5:00 p.m. Eastern time

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstract preparation

There are two types of abstract submissions: Original scientific research and educational exhibit.

Original scientific research (abstracts for oral or traditional poster presentation)

Material suitable for scientific presentation may include both laboratory and clinical investigations of topics that would be appropriate for publication in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR). In general, original research, important new observations, and other presentations that represent substantial work with demonstrable results are appropriate for scientific presentations. Abstracts submitted in this category will be assigned to either oral or poster presentations after acceptance. Assignment to oral or poster presentation is based upon the subject and nature of the abstracts accepted each year. Original scientific research traditional posters will be printed and brought onsite to the meeting, where they will be displayed in the Poster Hall Sunday through Wednesday. Traditional poster presenters must attend the Scientific Poster Presentation session on Monday, March 31, from noon to 1 pm, to discuss their work and judged by a reviewer panel for consideration for the Best Traditional Poster recognition.

A structured abstract is required and should be organized into four required sections. Respect the character limit of 2,200 characters for the body of the abstract. Abstracts in excess of the character limit will not be submittable. Spaces are not included in the character count. The abstract title and optional references are not counted towards the character count.

  • *Required* Title: Titles have a maximum character count of 200. Spaces are not counted. The number of characters in a title are not counted toward the maximum character count.
    • Do not bold the title
    • Do not add a period at the end of the title
    • Use title case where possible. (The first letter of each word is capitalized, except for certain small words such as articles, short prepositions and special abbreviations).
      • Example: Ablation vs Surgical Resection for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Risk-adjusted SEER-Medicare Analysis
  • *Required* Purpose: Provide a succinct statement of the purpose of your study.
  • *Required* Materials and methods: Describe the nature of the subjects, methods of selection, materials (including manufacturers' names and locations—city and state or country), and all procedures. The characteristics of study group(s) (such as sex distribution, mean age, underlying medical problems) should be included in this section. References should be made to established methods that have been published. New or substantially modified methods should be described, supported with rationale, and critically evaluated for real and potential limitations.
  • *Required* Results: Actual data (with statistical significance) should be included in the results. Report of data and observations should be in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. Data given in tables should not be repeated in the text.
  • *Required* Conclusion: The conclusions should be drawn directly from the results of the study. Consider new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that can be drawn directly from your data. Include implications of findings, and limitations of your study. Avoid claiming priority, alluding to work that has not been completed or making unqualified statements not supported by your data. Recommendations, when appropriate, should be made.
  • Table (Optional): Use the table builder if you would like to add a table. If a table is included as part of the abstract; only characters within the cells are counted toward the maximum character count. Spaces and borders are not counted. Only one (1) table per submission is accepted. If there is more than one (1) table, ONLY the first table will be accepted for publication in the JVIR annual meeting supplement. No graphics, external links, or drop boxes are accepted.  
  • References (Optional): Number any references in the order in which they appear in the text. Characters in references are not counted toward the maximum character count. Do not use superscripts, please use curly bracket {} for your references in the body of the abstract.  


Educational exhibit (PPT oral presentation only)

Intended for educational exhibits that highlight a technique, concept, or subject, rather than hypothesis-driven research. The material in this category is not suited for presentation as a scientific research abstract. Examples include a review of a topic, "how-to" demonstrations and pictorial essays. Abstracts accepted as educational exhibits will be presented on Monday, March 31, 2025, from 4:45 - 5:45 pm as oral 3-minute presentations with 2 minutes for questions and judged by a reviewer panel for consideration for the Best Educational Exhibit presentation recognition.

A structured abstract is required and should be organized into four required sections. Respect the character limit of 2,200 characters for the body of the abstract. Abstracts in excess of the character limit will not be submittable. Spaces are not included in the character count. The abstract title and optional references are not counted towards the character count.

  • *Required* Title: Titles have a maximum character count of 200. Spaces are not counted. The number of characters in a title are not counted toward the maximum character count.
    • Do not bold the title
    • Do not add a period at the end of the title
    • Use title case where possible. (The first letter of each word is capitalized, except for certain small words such as articles, short prepositions and special abbreviations).
      • Example: Ablation vs Surgical Resection for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Risk-adjusted SEER-Medicare Analysis
  • *Required* Learning objectives
  • *Required* Background
  • *Required* Clinical findings/procedure details
  • *Required* Conclusion or teaching points
  • Table (Optional): Use the table builder if you would like to add a table. If a table is included as part of the abstract; only characters within the cells are counted toward the maximum character count. Spaces and borders are not counted. Only one (1) table per submission is accepted. If there is more than one (1) table, ONLY the first table will be accepted for publication in the JVIR annual meeting supplement. No graphics, external links, or drop boxes are accepted. 
  • References (Optional): Number any references in the order in which they appear in the text. Characters in references are not counted toward the maximum character count. Do not use superscripts, please use curly bracket {} for your references in the body of the abstract. 




Member categories and rates

Registration types Early Bird
Oct. 1 - Feb. 13
Feb. 14 - Feb. 27
Feb. 28 - Onsite
SIR Member $875 $975 $1,075
Nonmember Physician $1,925 $2,025 $2,125
SIR One Day Pass Member*     $500
Nonmember One Day Pass*     $975
SIR Member Resident-in-training $100 $125  $175
Nonmember Resident-in-training $1,925 $2,025 $2,125
SIR Member Non-physician Associate (NPs, PAs, Scientists) $575 $675  $775
Nonmember Non-physician Associate (NPs, PAs, Scientists) $1,025 $1,125 $1,225
SIR Member Medical Student $50 $75 $125
SIR Member Emeritus $375 $475 $575
SIR International Affiliate $955 $1,055 $1,155
Nonmember Other $1,925 $2,025 $2,125
Expo Only**     $500

*The One Day Pass is good for attendees only for one (1) day of the week to attend the conference. It provides full access to educational sessions and the Expo on a specific day.
**The Expo Only registration provides full access to the Expo on all days that the Expo is open to attendees, Sunday-Wednesday.



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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