
◆ 会议时间:2025年6月19-22日
◆ 会议地点:美国 明尼阿波利斯


◆ 会议简介:


美国头痛学会(AHS)成立于1959年,是一个致力于头痛和面部疼痛研究和治疗的专业协会 。AHS的目标是宣促进头痛和相关疼痛疾病病因及治疗信息和想法的交流,提高医生、心理学家和其他卫生专业人员的知识、技能和专业表现,以改善头痛患者的护理和生活。教育培训医生、卫生专业人员和公众以及鼓励科学研究是AHS的主要职能,AHS的主要活动宣包括年度科学会议、综合性头痛研讨会、区域研讨会以及出版杂志等。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。

The 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of American Headache Society (AHS) 2025

Date: June 19 - 22, 2025
Veuee: Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA



The Annual Scientific Meeting is designed for physicians, psychologists, scientists, researchers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other health professionals involved in the care of patients with head, neck, and orofacial pain.

AHS has dedicated over 60 years to leading and serving the headache community.

THE AMERICAN HEADACHE SOCIETY’S® ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING continues to be the premiere venue for the dissemination of the latest and most up-to-date research and scientific advances underlying the practice of Headache Medicine.






Submissions: January 3 – February 21, 2024
Notifications: March 29, 2024

Abstracts will be accepted from January 3 to February 21. 
There may be a late-breaking submission window but it is not guaranteed. We encourage all submissions during the main window.

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Do I need to indicate that my abstract has been submitted to other meetings/journals (“Encores”)?
Yes. You can submit an abstract that has previously been presented/submitted within the last year as long as it is the same data and information. We ask that any “Encore” presentations/submissions are identified when/where they were previously submitted. 

Are there word counts or formatting requirements?
No. Your abstract is not limited to a word count. We ask each abstract have a One Sentence Summary, Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion sections. You can include/upload up to two (2) images and diagrams to support your work.

Do I need to complete a financial disclosure?
Not yet. Only authors of (non-industry) abstracts chosen for oral presentations must complete a financial disclosure. All submitters will be asked to indicate if they have patient consent when including case-based data.

Do you have an anticipated time for when abstract decisions will be sent out?
Notifications for abstracts will go out on or about March 29, 2024.

Can I get an extension on the abstract submission deadline?
Due to the review process and timeline, extensions are not permitted. 

Is there an abstract submission fee?
No, there is no submission fee. 

Do you accept industry abstracts?
Yes. Industry abstracts need to be identified and are not eligible for CME credits. Abstracts submitted by industry will be considered in separate categories from other abstracts. Industry abstracts fall into two categories:
1) Industry-initiated Clinical Trials
2) Industry-initiated Research Involving Drugs, Devices, or other Products with a Commercial Interest. This category will not include investigator-initiated studies that may have industry support. 

Will abstracts be published? If yes, when and where?
Accepted abstracts will be published in the journal, Headache®. They are typically in the June edition or sent as a supplement to the June edition. 

Is there a limit on how many abstracts an author can submit or present?
No, there is no limit. However AHS does ask that you comply with our Smallest Publishable Unit Policy: The AHS Scientific Meeting guidelines specifically address the parsing of results of a single research study into multiple abstract submissions.

Examples of this approach include: (a) submission of two different abstracts from a single study ‐ one reporting safety data and the other efficacy data ‐ rather than submitting one abstract; and (b) submission of one abstract on efficacy in the entire study cohort, and another abstract on subgroup analyses.

Sometimes identified as the “smallest‐publishable unit” strategy, this strategy runs counter to the high standards of scientific presentation at the AHS Annual meeting. Unless a compelling rationale is provided and each abstract clearly cross‐references other abstract(s) generated from the same study, the AHS reserves the right to exclude or merge your submissions.

What is the embargo policy?
All content and data is embargoed until June 12, 2024 @11:59 pm PT. 

When and where can I view abstracts?
Abstracts will be available in the mobile app and the journal, Headache®. 

Are there text abstracts available?
Yes, in the journal, Headache®. 

When will AHS abstracts be publicly available?
They are available starting June 13, 2024 @ 12am PT. They will be published in the journal, Headache®, as well as through the meeting’s mobile app. 

How do I register for the meeting?
All accepted abstract lead/presenting authors will receive a special set of instructions with their acceptance notice including information on how to register for the meeting. 

Are lead/presenting authors required to register for the meeting?
If you plan to present at the meeting (either in-person or virtually), you must register for the meeting. 

What if the lead/presenting author cannot attend the meeting?
If this arises, AHS will allow one of the other authors to register and present on their behalf. 

Do poster presenters need to register for the meeting?
Yes, poster presenters must register. 




Early Bird Rate

Before March 8

Advance Rate

March 8 – April 23

Standard/Onsite Rate

After April 23

AHS Member/Non-Member $550/$700 $600/$750 $825/$1,000
AHS Trainee Member/Non-Member $150/$200 $150/$200 $450/$450
Active Military Personnel $475 $500 $525
AHS Industry Representative  Member/Non-Member $725/$725 $800/$800 $1,050/$1,050

Pre-Meeting Course Registration Fees*

Early Bird Rate

Before March 8

Advance Rate

March 9 – April 23

Standard/Onsite Rate

After April 23

AHS Member Complimentary Complimentary Complimentary
Non-member $300 $350 $500

*Prices are the same for the in-person and virtual experiences


◆ 参会对象:参与头部、颈部和口面疼痛患者护理的医生、心理学家、科学家、研究人员、医师助理、护士和其他相关卫生保健专业人士。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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