◆ 会议时间:2025年11月2日至4日
◆ 会议地点:泰国 曼谷
◆ 会议简介:
20th Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (APCCMI 2025)
51st Conference of the Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand (IDAT)
Dates: 2 - 4 November 2025
Venue: Bangkok, Thailand
Organized by:
Asia Pacific Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (APSCMI)
Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand (IDAT)
Important Dates
Activity |
Period |
Regular Abstract Submission |
1 April - 31 July 2025 |
Regular Abstract Acceptance Notification |
After 31 July 2025 |
Late-Breaking Abstract Submission |
14 - 28 August 2025 (23:59 BKK) |
Late-Breaking Abstract Acceptance Notification |
29 September 2025 |
A late-breaking abstract should contain new information that was not yet known or fully available by the abstract submission deadline, 31 July 2025. The data in the abstract must not be published prior to the meeting. It should show data that is high-impact, innovative, and newsworthy. Please note that the late-breaking abstract deadline is not intended to be an extension of the regular abstract submission deadline.
Presenting Authors must register for the congress by no later than 15 October 2025 (BKK), and pay the registration fee in full by the registration deadline to secure their presence at the congress.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Abstracts must be submitted online via the APCCMI 2025 website only. (Will be available soon.)
- Abstracts must contain original work that has not previously been reported
- Abstracts may be original research, case studies, or insight and review articles
- Only the presenting author may submit the abstract
- The abstract MUST NOT exceed 250 words, excluding the title, authors and affiliations
- Full papers are NOT required
- You MUST include results or data in your abstract - you may include figures and/or tables
- Abstracts that describe plans for a study or state “results will be presented” will NOT be accepted
- Do NOT include references
- Do NOT submit abstracts with typographical or grammatical errors
- All abbreviations should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word
- All presentations MUST be in English
- Authors can indicate their preferred presentation type from the following three options:
- E-poster only
- E-poster with rapid-fire presentation
- Oral presentation
Authors may select more than one option. However, the APCCMI 2025 Organizing Committee reserves the right to determine the final presentation format for all abstracts after review.
- Acknowledgment of submission will be sent automatically to both the abstract submitter and the presenting author by e-mail. Please contact the secretariat if the e-mail confirmation has not been sent.
- Modifications may be made at any time until the late-breaking abstract submission deadline of 28 August 2025 (23:59 BKK).
- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the APCCMI scientific committee according to the review process. Once APCCMI scientific committee completes to abstract review and professional editing, some of the authors would be asked to review within 7 days, only minor editing will be permitted.
Abstract presentation
- Include the following sub-headings: Aim, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- Use font type Arial, with single spaced lines
- Title of the paper (size 10, font type Arial, bold, centered and capitalised) and is to be followed by one blank line
- Authors' names to be written (size 10, centered and capitalised) with initials followed by dot, family names to be written in full
- Authors to be separated by commas, presenting author marked with an asterisk, and individual authors marked with superscript number to distinguish the different affiliations
- Authors' affiliations (size 10, italic, centered) to be written on separate lines when there are more than one and the last to be followed by one blank line
- Abstract text (size 10) to be justified on middle; paragraphs are not to be indented, only separated by one blank line
- Please name your document as follows prior to submitting: Names of Authors (as per author format above) - Abstract Title
- Abstracts will NOT be reviewed if not in the specified format
Presenting authors must be registered participants. Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees will be scheduled for presentation and included for publication.
Abstract Topics
- Bacterial infections
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Antibiotic/diagnostic stewardship
- New antimicrobial agents, pharmacology/pharmacogenetics
- Sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome
- Culture-based diagnostics in clinical microbiology
- Serologic diagnosis and monitoring in infectious diseases
- Rapid diagnostics in clinical microbiology
- Performance evaluation and quality control in clinical microbiology
- Viral infections other than COVID-19
- COVID-19
- Fungal infections
- Medical parasitology
- Tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacterial infections
- Infection control and prevention
- Vaccine and immunology
- Public health and socioeconomic impact
- Microbiomes and metagenomics
- Big data and artificial intelligence in infectious disease
- Others
Language |
English |
Title |
- Capitalize the first letter of each word. Titles in ALL CAPS are not allowed.
- Refrain from using standard abbreviations or acronyms in the title.
Author Information |
- All co-authors' first and family name(s) must be provided in full.
- Degrees or titles such as MD after an author's name must be deleted.
- Affiliation should be structured as follows: Department, Institution, City, and Country.
Abstract Body |
- The text of the entire abstract must not exceed 2,000 bytes. Otherwise, it would be a disadvantage for the abstract that exceeds the limit.
- Use standard abbreviations or acronyms in the text. ALL CAPS are not allowed.
- The abstract body can be written either as an original article or case report.
- Original Article: Summary description of study/research set out in a systematic, stylized form under headings structured in: Background, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- Case Report: An abstract typed in single paragraph without stylized headings
- No pictures, graphs, and tables are allowed.
Keywords |
- A minimum of three and up to six keywords must be entered in the order of importance to better define the abstract content.
- Capitalize the first letter of each word.
Overseas Participants
Early Bird
2 May - 2 July 2025 |
Regular Registration
3 July - 15 October 2025 |
On-site Registration
2-4 November 2025 |
Member |
USD 400 |
USD 500 |
USD 550 |
Non-Member |
USD 500 |
USD 600 |
USD 650 |
Member and Non-Member
(Lower-Middle Income, Low Income) |
USD 200 |
USD 200 |
USD 250 |
Overseas Trainee |
USD 200 |
Pre-Congress Workshop - Overseas |
USD 100 |
Registration Fee includes:
- Admission to the scientific sessions
- Admission to the industrial exhibition
- Welcome reception
- Lunch
- Refreshments and breaks
- Delegate bag & congress booklet
◆ 参会对象:传染病科医生/科学家、临床和实验室微生物学家、药剂师,医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。