
◆ 会议时间:2025年9月19-21日
◆ 会议地点:美国 基西米(Kissimmee)


◆ 会议简介:

2025年第39届美国血管通路协会(AVA)年会将于2025年9月19-21日在美国基西米举行, 预计有1300余名从事血管通路护理的相关专业人士与会。



AVA 2025 - 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Vascular Access

Date: September 19 - 21, 2024 (Sept. 18 Pre-Meeting)
Venue: Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Kissimmee, Florida, USA



AVA 2024 - 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Vascular Access

Date: September 28 - 30, 2024 (Sept. 27 Pre-Meeting)
Venue: Colorado at the Gaylord Rockies, Danver, CO, USA



AVA Scientific Posters are a method for authors to present research and/or to display original work. All posters should convey relevance to AVA’s mission, vision and values. The mission of AVA is to advance the global practice of vascular access, through awareness, advocacy, and education to improve healthcare outcomes.

Timeline Summary - Abstract Submission and Digital Poster Display at the AVA 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting:
Please read below for full details

  • The deadline to submit an abstract for digital poster display consideration is Wednesday, May 15th
  • All poster abstract submissions will be notified of acceptance or rejection for digital poster display, and eligibility for Scientific Poster Presentation, by Monday, June 3rd
  • Poster abstracts that wish to be considered for a Scientific Poster Presentation must pay the $50 submission fee AND upload the digital poster by no later than Tuesday, August 6th
  • Posters selected for Scientific Poster Presentation will be notified by Monday, August 26th
  • Accepted poster authors that wish to display a digital poster without presentation consideration must pay the $50 submission fee and complete their digital poster by no later than Monday, August 26th

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>



Abstract Content
Content should reflect the diversity of the Vascular Access specialty. Submissions are accepted from professionals working in clinical and non-clinical settings, research and development, management, business, the sciences, and technology. In 500 words or less, provide an accurate, succinct, and informative abstract that represents your submission and/or poster. All abstracts must be submitted typed, in English, and must be well organized. Content should be written in complete sentences without abbreviations. References are not included in the abstract. The judging process is blinded and peer-reviewed: Do not include author(s) name, facility name, or identifying factors in abstract. It may cause disqualification.

Research abstracts are required to include the following headings:

  1. Purpose/Design (50 words maximum)
  2. Methods (150 words maximum)
  3. Results (150 words maximum)
  4. Limitations (50 words maximum)
  5. Conclusion (100 words maximum)

Abstracts not associated with research are required to include the following key points:

  1. Purpose - What was the goal of the study? (50 words maximum)
  2. Background - What was the problem? Why was it important? (175 words maximum)
  3. Results - What were the findings? (175 words maximum)
  4. Conclusion - What do the final outcomes mean? (100 words maximum)

Strength Level Design
High 1 Randomized prospective blinded clinical trial
Meta-analysis of clinical trials
2 Prospective clinical trial
3 Retrospective clinical trial
Low 4 Series of Case Studies
5 Case report or individual case study
Expert Opinion
Personal Observation


Abstracts must be applicable to at least one of the tracks listed below. The track must be identified at the time of poster abstract submission and be relevant to the art and science of vascular access.

  • Pediatric/Neonatal Vascular Access
  • Continuum of Care Throughout Vascular Access
  • Systems, Process and Communication
  • Care & Maintenance of Vascular Access Devices
  • Leadership, Education and Development in Vascular Access
  • New Technology and Applications in Vascular Access
  • Education Pertaining to Vascular Access

Additional Criteria

  • All research based and evidence-based practice must have documented and completed outcomes prior to submitting.
  • Research posters involving human subjects must address protection of human subjects in keeping with International Standards governing human research (IRB approval if applicable).
  • All abstracts should:
    • Have adequate relevance to the field of vascular access.
    • Be appropriate to the current (or future) trends within the field of vascular access.
    • Describe how it could be incorporated into the field of vascular access if not already
    • Present a question that may be expanded to a general, breakout, or professional development session at future AVA scientific meetings.

Abstract Selection Process
All abstracts submitted are subjected to an objective, blinded peer review and are evaluated on quality of the project/research, content, and relevance to the field of vascular access. All entries will be notified
of selection or rejection by June 26th via email.

Please note:

  • AVA reserves the right to reject submissions that do not meet these objectives and criteria, are
    deemed inappropriate for the meeting, or do not meet the quality standards of the meeting.
  • AVA reserves the right to waiver publication on a case-by-case basis.
  • AVA does not perform independent research of submissions and relies on the author to
    demonstrate veracity in their posters and presentations.

Digital Poster Criteria

If your abstract is selected for digital poster display, you will receive notification and given access to the online e-Poster Gallery by June 3rd, where you will create your digital poster.

Submission Fee
If selected to exhibit an AVA Scientific Poster, please note that there is a $50 submission fee for each accepted poster. This fee must be paid for each poster that you wish to display at AVA 2024. Payment should be submitted through an online payment form, which will be distributed along with access to the e-Poster Gallery.

Helpful Hints for Digital Poster Design

  • Select colors wisely, remembering that not all attendees may be able to distinguish between
    red, green and grey.
  • Use pictures, diagrams, figures, etc. rather than text when appropriate, to best describe your
  • Excessive use of text should be avoided.
  • The average poster has from 2-5 figures/diagrams.
  • Please ensure the content is clear to the reader when you are not present at the display.
  • Your poster should be arranged and organized professionally, with the method and results
    clearly displayed.
  • Your poster should be visually interesting and creatively designed.

Scientific Poster Presentations

The AVA Scientific Poster Committee, composed of clinical and industry reviewers, will blindly judge the digital posters created by the top-scoring abstracts to determine the 24 posters that will be given a poster presentation time slot, based on criteria (as listed above).

Each poster will be presented by one author for 12 minutes, plus 3 minutes of time for Q&A.

Each presentation should include a high-level overview of poster findings and an open discussion between the poster author and the audience.

The 10 poster presenters will receive the following discount on registration fees: $100 off registration to AVASM24.


Commercialism/Marketing for Scientific Poster Presenters

NOTE: If your poster is selected for a presentation, the poster must stay unbranded for CE purposes. AVA sessions are noncommercial forums. Individuals are prohibited from using brand names and specific product endorsement. Under no circumstances should the session podium be used as a place for promotion of a speaker's product, service, or monetary self-interest, nor for promotion of a product or service offered by Speaker's employer or client.

In addition, Speaker agrees that content presented by Speaker shall not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, patent or intellectual property rights of any person or entity. Presenters from any session podium must refrain from overt statements or pointed humor that disparages the rightful dignity and social equity of any individual or group.


During the meeting, attendees will participate in voting for the “People’s Choice Award”. First, Second, and Third Place posters will receive a certificate and a cash award. The award winners will be announced at the end of the Scientific Meeting, on the AVA website and in Intravascular Quarterly.

Electronic Disclosure

Providing AVA with an electronic abstract, presentation and/or handouts constitutes agreement that AVA and its designated agent are expressly authorized and granted the right to reproduce the presenter’s electronic presentation or handout file(s) and include the file(s) on the AVA 2024 e-Poster Gallery, which will be provided to meeting participants as part of their registration package.




In-Person Registration

Join us in Denver, Colorado, September 28-30, 2024 (Pre-meeting workshops held on Sep. 27th)

  Early Bird Discount: 
On or Before May 9, 2024 
Advance Discount: 
Between May 10, 2024 and August 15, 2024
Late Registration: 
Between August 16, 2024 and September 30, 2024
  Member Non-Member Member Non-Member Member Non-Member
Full Meeting (31.0 CE)  $595 $795 $695 $895 $795 $995
*Student Full Meeting
(31.0 CE) 
$375  $375  $375 
Single Day Meeting  $360 $570 $425 $635 $455 $665
Pre-Meeting Workshop  $350 $450 $350 $450 $350 $450

*Verification of full-time status from an academic advisor or Dean must accompany the registration. You will be able to upload your documents during your registration process

Full conference in-person meeting registration includes:

  • Keynote and General Sessions
  • Breakout Sessions
  • Exhibitor Symposia
  • Vascular Access Talks
  • Access to Pre-Meeting Workshops (additional fees apply)
  • Access to the Exhibit Hall
  • Access to meal functions
  • Conference tote bag
  • Coffee service on main meeting days
  • Lunch on main meeting days
  • Opening Reception in the Exhibit Hall
  • Conference app access
  • Scientific Posters
  • Access to all recorded sessions
    • Available October 14 - December 13, 2024
    • An email notification will be sent when they’re posted
    • General sessions will have video, audio, and slides
    • Breakouts will have audio and slides only.
  • 31+ CEs between a combination of in-person and post-event on-demand learning:
    • The number of CEs earned between in-person and post-event is up to each individual full-conference participant but in total may not exceed 31 CEs unless you attend an in-person pre-meeting workshop.
    • 20 CEs available during the in-person meeting in Colorado.
    • Additional CEs available if you attend a pre-meeting workshop.
    • Starting October 14, 2024 earn an additional 15 CEs by watching recorded sessions you missed from the in-person meeting.
    • You will have until December 13, 2024 to claim CEs, download and save your certificate.

Single-day only in-person meeting registration includes:

  • General and breakout sessions for that day
  • Exhibitor Symposia for that day (if applicable)
  • Vascular Access Talks for that day (if applicable)
  • Access to Pre-Meeting Workshops (additional fees apply)
  • Access to the Exhibit Hall for that day (if applicable)
  • Access to meal functions for that day (if applicable)
  • Coffee service for that day
  • Lunch/Receptions for that day
  • Conference app access
  • Scientific Posters
  • Access to all recorded sessions for the day registered only (additional CE for on-demand viewing not available)

In-person registration add-ons:

  • Hands-on Pre-Meeting Workshops - $350 for Members, $450 for Non- Members
    • Register to attend a second workshop and receive $50 off!
  • Pediatric and Neonatal Reception Ticket (for those not attending the Pediatric Workshop) - $35
You must be registered at the In-Person meeting rate to collect your registration materials at the Gaylord Rockies Resort in Colorado.

AVA On-Demand Registration - Ends October 20, 2024

This registration type is available for those that cannot attend the in-person conference in Colorado. On-Demand content will be available to you to watch at your convenience from October 14, 2024 through December 13, 2024. 
On-Demand Registration ends October 20, 2024.

  Early Bird Discount: 
On or Before May 9, 2024 
Advance Discount: 
Between May 10, 2024 and August 15, 2024 
Late Registration: 
Between October 1, 2024 and October 20, 2024 
  Member Non-Member Member Non-Member Member Non-Member
On-Demand Only (20.0 CE)  $450 $650 $450 $650 $450 $650
*Student On-Demand Only (20.0 CE)  $180 $180 $180

*Verification of full-time status from an academic advisor or Dean must accompany the registration. You will be able to upload your documents during your registration process

AVA On-Demand Registration includes:

  • Earn 20 CEs when you watch the recorded sessions from the In-person conference.
  • Recorded sessions will be available from October 14 - December 13, 2024. General sessions will have video, audio, and slides. Breakouts will have audio and slides only.
  • This registration type does not include access to the in-person meeting.
  • There is NO live streaming registration option for this event.
  • On-Demand Registration ends October 20, 2024.



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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