
◆ 会议时间:2025年9月6-10日
◆ 会议地点:奥地利 维也纳


◆ 会议简介:



ECP 2025 - 37th European Congress of Pathology

6 - 10 September 2025

ACV, Vienna, Austria

Organized by:
European Society of Pathology (ESP)



Abstract Submission

  • 2 April 2025 | Deadline for submission of abstracts and bursary applications
  • early June 2025 | Notifications to be sent to authors
  • 26 June 2025 | Registration and payment deadline for authors of accepted abstracts

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Submission of abstracts

The scientific committee invites you to participate actively in this congress, which will be an extraordinary occasion for the exchange of thoughts and experiences. We look forward to receiving abstracts online for consideration and inclusion in the scientific programme as oral or poster presentation on-site or E-Poster. Please note that abstracts can only be presented (and thus published) on-site, not virtually! Please ensure that you are able to travel to Vienna when submitting an abstract.

This also applies for abstracts which are being accepted as E-Posters.

The submitted abstracts should give a brief description of the title and topic. All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the working groups and / or the scientific committee. The reviewers will judge the abstracts according to the relevance to ESP, standard of English, objectivity of statement, description of what was done, suitability of methods to aims, conclusions confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, potential clinical value, originality of work and overall impression. All accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract book which is a digital supplement to Virchows Archiv, and online on the congress website. There will be no printed version of the abstract book. 

The deadline for abstract submissions is 2 April 2025.

Guidelines for preparation of abstracts

  • Please choose a title that clearly indicates the content of the contribution.
  • Please avoid abbreviations in the title (exception: scientific terms).
  • Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when used first.
  • Please make sure to use proper English language.
  • Please refrain from spelling abstract titles and co-authors’ names in capital letters.
  • The author‘s name (full first name, family name) and place of work (institution, city, country) should be indicated in the respective form fields, not in the abstract title.
  • Degrees, titles, street addresses and acknowledgements of support should be omitted in the abstract title and text. 

To provide maximum information in the abstract 

  • please state the specific background & objective of the study
  • state the methods used, if pertinent
  • summarise the results obtained
  • state the conclusions reached
  • ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted.

Guidelines for submission of abstracts

  • A maximum of 5 abstracts per author will be accepted for submission. Additional submissions will not be considered (without further notice).
  • Submissions on behalf of other authors cannot be accepted. The original author should submit her/his work and is considered to present it on-site in Vienna.
  • An abstract which has been previously published cannot be submitted, unless there are new methods, findings, updated data or other acceptable reasons for submitting.
  • Abstracts are to be submitted in English, the official language of the 37th ECP, should not exceed 300 words (in total; there is no limit per field) and be structured in the following specified subtitles: background & objective, methods, results and conclusion. 
  • Case reports should also be structured as much as possible following the aforementioned categories. If not possible, the authors should upload the abstracts using the most appropriate categories (in the respective text boxes in the submission form).
  • The abstract submission constitutes a formal commitment by the first author in the session and time slot assigned by the scientific committee. 
  • Changes in authorship should be communicated to the ESP at congress@esp-pathology.org in order to ensure correct appearance in the printed programme.
  • Should the first / submitting author, who is considered the presenter, turn out to be unable to present her / his poster, one of the co-authors should take over this responsibility. A change of the presenting author needs to be communicated to the ESP at congress@esp-pathology.org and will only be processed after acceptance of abstracts. Presenter changes, which are being addressed to the ESP before the official acceptance notification, will not be considered.
  • Registration to the congress and payment of the respective fee is mandatory to be able to present the abstract and get it published in the abstract book – and must be completed by 26 June 2025. If the speaker fails to register and pay before this date, her / his abstract will be excluded from the scientific programme and publication in Virchows Archiv.
  • If a delegate has registered upon the condition that her / his abstract is accepted and the abstract is rejected, the registration fee will be refunded. The acceptance of abstracts by the scientific committee does not imply any financial assistance or fee reduction.
  • Notification of acceptance or rejection by the scientific committee will be emailed to the submitting author. Detailed information in which format the abstract is accepted (oral or poster presentation or E-Poster), guidelines and recommendations for each abstract type as well as time allotment, date, hour, and venue will be sent in due time to registered first authors.
  • Abstract authors may register at the early registration fee by 2 April 2025. If no registration has been submitted by that date, the early registration fee will be made available again once abstract notifications have been sent out, up until 26 June 2025.

Out of all abstract submissions, the Best Abstract Prizes will be selected. 

Please click on the button in the right-hand menu to read more about the selection process. 



Dear Colleagues,

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) and the Austrian Society for Clinical Pathology and Molecular Pathology (ÖGPath) invite you to the 37th European Congress of Pathology (ECP). The conference will take place in the Austria Center Vienna (ACV), in the heart of Vienna, from 6 – 10 September 2025. 

The ECP has grown to become the world’s largest congress in Pathology, attracting over 5,000 colleagues from all over the world. For these few days in September, pathologists, clinicians, molecular biologists, geneticists, bioinformaticians, IT experts, as well as our industry partners will gather for ECP 2025 and make Vienna the world capital of Pathology. 

Vienna is home to a prestigious scientific tradition in Pathology, encompassing giants like Carl von Rokitansky and Hans Popper and continues to be at the forefront of Pathology research and education. The congress in Vienna will show its commitment to this legacy by presenting an innovative and attractive programme that showcases the cutting edges of pathology.

Our motto for the ECP 2025 – “ECP Vienna – Tradition meets future” – acknowledges the significant improvement Pathology research has brought and continues to bring to diagnostics and clinical practice. Modern pathology is the foundation for many targeted therapies that have dramatically changed how we treat cancer and chronic diseases today. The excellent programme prepared by the ESP working groups, ESP-affiliated societies, and education and trainee subcommittees aims to reflect on and contribute to this extremely dynamic development of the field of pathology.

An attractive and dedicated programme of keynote lectures, slide seminars, interactive sessions, as well as multiple oral and posters presentations, from internationally renowned experts and leaders in their fields, will provide an ideal opportunity for professional development, networking, and sharing ideas. Additionally, sessions organised by and for trainee pathologists, encompassing important and cutting-edge advancements in pathology practise, will be integral to our programme and will show the commitment of the ESP to shape the Pathology and Pathologists of the future. 

Vienna offers rich cultural heritage through its numerous museums: among them the pathologo-anatomical collection in the Narrenturm and the Medical History Museum Vienna Josephinum. The city’s historical buildings, beautiful gardens and parks, strong literary, theatrical and musical traditions, will also provide opportunities for culture activities. 

We are very much looking forward to hosting and meeting you in Vienna!



ECP2025 注册费:

On-site attendance in Vienna - what is included in the fees?

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions (incl. additional One-Day Symposia)
  • Admission to Networking Reception
  • Admission to poster exhibition and technical exhibition
  • Coffee breaks and lunches from Sunday to Wednesday
  • Congress material (delegate bag, final programme, etc.)
  • Additional online access to all sessions both in real time and on demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)

Additional One-Day Symposia:

  • Admission to all scientific sessions of the respective Symposium
  • Admission to poster exhibition and technical exhibition on the day of the Symposium
  • Coffee break and lunch on the day of the Symposium
  • Additional online access to all symposium-related content, both in real time and on demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)

Accompanying Persons:

  • Admission to Networking Reception on Saturday, 6 September 2025
  • Sightseeing Tour of Vienna

Please note that accompanying persons do not have access to scientific sessions and the exhibition/poster area.


Registration Fees

Registration and payment received by 2 April 2025 by 3 July 2025 after 3 July 2025
ESP Members* EUR 540 EUR 700 EUR 880
Non-Members EUR 810 EUR 950 EUR 1,080
Residents, PhD students** EUR 230 EUR 310 EUR 500
Computational Symposium*** EUR 300 EUR 300 EUR 300
Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium*** EUR 240 EUR 240 EUR 300
Technician Symposium*** EUR 90 EUR 90 EUR 150
Accompanying Person of an ESP Member EUR 150 EUR 150 EUR 150
Accompanying Person of a Non-Member EUR 170 EUR 170 EUR 170

All registration fees are inclusive of 20% Austrian VAT.
* In good standing (membership fee for 2025 paid). Please note that the member fee can only be granted if you are a member of the ESP at the time of registration. If you are not a member yet, you need to apply for membership first and once you have received your ESP membership confirmation, you can register at the member fee. 
** For residents/PhD students under 45 (i.e. born after 6 September 1980 – to be proven by ID card/passport). The resident/PhD student status must be confirmed by a formal declaration (incl. start and end date of the residency/PhD programme) in English language from the Head of Department or the person responsible for the training programme (programme director). All documents need to be uploaded during the registration process and must be issued in 2025.
*** Participants with full ECP registration can attend this symposium at no extra cost.


Virtual attendance - what is included in the fees?

ESP Members, Non-Members, Residents and PhD students:

  • Access to all scientific sessions (including Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium (MD), Computational Symposium (CP), and Technician Symposium (TEC)) during live congress hours.
  • Access to all sessions on demand (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

Additional One-Day Symposia:

  • Access to all sessions of the respective symposium during live congress hours
  • Access to all symposium related on-demand content (until 10 October 2025 for non-members or 10 December 2025 for ESP members)
  • Access to digital posters/E-Posters

Registration Fees

Registration and payment received by 3 July 2025 after 3 July 2025
ESP Members* EUR 230 EUR 375
Non-Members EUR 390 EUR 540
Residents, PhD students** EUR 130 EUR 170
Computational Symposium*** EUR 230 EUR 230
Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium*** EUR 180 EUR 230
Technician Symposium*** EUR 75 EUR 100

* In good standing (membership fee for 2025 paid). Please note that the member fee can only be granted if you are a member of the ESP at the time of registration. If you are not a member yet, you need to apply for membership first and once you have received your ESP membership confirmation, you can register at the member fee.
** For residents/PhD students under 45 (i.e. born after 6 September 1980 – to be proven by ID card/passport). The resident/PhD student status must be confirmed by a formal declaration (incl. start and end date of the residency/PhD programme) in English language from the Head of Department or the person responsible for the training programme (programme director). All documents need to be uploaded during the registration process and must be issued in 2025.
*** Participants with full ECP registration can attend this symposium at no extra cost.


◆ 参会对象:病理学家/医生、科研人员、实验室主管、临床医生、技术人员、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及其他相关专业人士代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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