◆ 会议时间:2025年9月11-13日
◆ 会议地点:土耳其 卡帕多西亚
◆ 会议简介:
48th Annual Conference of the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA)
27th Annual Congress of the Turkish Prosthodontics and Implantology Association (TPID)
Date: September 11-13, 2025
Venue: Marriott Hotel, Cappadocia
6.01.2025 |
Abstract Submission Opens |
16.05.2025 |
Abstract Submission Closes |
30.05.2025 |
Evaluation of the Abstracts |
13.06.2025 |
Acceptance Letters Dispatch |
15.06.2025 |
Closes Early Bird Registration |
21.07.2025 |
Announcement of the Final Congress Programme |
11.09.2025 |
Congress Opening & Welcome Reception |
12.09.2025 |
Gala Dinner |
12.09.2025 |
Annual Business Meeting |
13.09.2025 |
Congress Closing |
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
- One author can present only one abstract;
- Maximum number of authors per submitted abstract: up to 6 authors;
- Projects being submitted must be original;
- Individuals can co-author multiple abstracts;
- Authors must disclose any potential conflict of interest;
- Previously published abstracts (in print or any electronic format) or those presented at another meeting are not allowed;
- Authors of presentations later proven to contain previously published or presented material will be sanctioned and may be prohibited from presenting at future meetings;
- Faxes, photocopies, or emailed abstracts will not be reviewed;
- You must receive approval from all co-authors before including their names in the abstract;
- Abstracts will be reviewed and answer given by May 30th, 2025;
- After submission, abstracts can not be modified.
Important Submission Elements
All abstracts must be submitted online via The 48th Annual EPA | The 27th Scientific TPID Congress online abstract system. Each completed submission is peer-reviewed for its scientific content by Scientific Committee.
When submitting your abstract, you will have to select:
1) the preferred mode of your presentation (oral or poster);
Due to the fact that the abstracts will be reproduced in the Abstracts book exactly in the form, they will be submitted, authors are kindly requested to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Language: English
- Abstract text word limit: 300 words (names and affiliation details excluded)
- Abstract title: Abstract titles are limited to 15 words or less. The title should be dynamic and conclusive rather than descriptive.
- Surname(s) of the author(s): Enter the first (given) name and last (family/surname) name for each author plus institution/affiliation. The affiliation details of all authors - Institution/hospital, city/town, state (if relevant), and country.
- Content of the Abstract: Titles, authors, and authors’ affiliations are not included in the 300-word limit.
For Research Abstracts:
- Objectives;
- Materials and methods;
- Results;
- Conclusions.
For Clinical Cases / Case Reports:
- Introduction;
- Case Description;
- Discussion.
– Abstract Text: All abstracts should be 300 words or less. When you write your text, please be sure to use a word processor in order to save your abstract in advance. Please don’t include your title or authors in the abstract text. Do not include references. If the abstract is based on research funded entirely or partially by an outside source, enter the appropriate information (funding agency and grant number if applicable). Also, this information MUST be included in the presentation if accepted.
– Up to five keywords should be submitted. It is recommended to select keywords from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html
– The 48th Annual EPA | The 27th Scientific TPID Congress will only correspond with the presenting author listed on the abstract regardless of who may have submitted the abstract, meaning that the presenting author will also act as the corresponding author. Thus, make sure to include the correct email address/phone number of the presenting author.
– Changes, additions, or corrections will only be accepted up until the abstract submission deadline.
– Abstracts having insufficient research or clinical data will not be accepted.
Modes of Presentations
At the time of submission, you will be asked to select your preferred mode of presentation. However, not all requests can be accommodated and the final mode of your presentation can be selected by the Scientific Committee. The 48th Annual EPA | The 27th Scientific TPID Congress will include presentations in the following modes:
Oral Presentation:
- PowerPoint or Keynote 16:9 format presentation;
- The sample slide and organization logo will be provided to you;
- 10 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A;
- You will be requested to send the final version of your presentation 10 days before the conference.
Poster Presentation:
- Guidelines for creating the posters will be sent to poster presenters along with their poster acceptance notification.
Dear Colleagues,
The 48th European Prosthodontic Association (EPA) and 27th Turkish Prosthodontics and Implantology Association (TPID) Annual Congress, will be held in Cappadocia, Turkey between September 11-13th, 2025. We know the importance of the task we have undertaken and promise all our colleagues a successful congress both scientifically and socially.
Researchers and experts, young academics and experienced instructors interested in prosthetic and restorative dentistry will benefit from high quality annual EPA congress this year. The theme of the congress with the support of a large number of renowned speakers will focus on current clinical issues and convey new treatment methods and new technologies.
Our congress will start with workshops and hand-on courses on Wednesday, September 10th, 2025 and will continue with the scientific program between September 11-13th, 2025.
We also encourage especially young researchers to apply for the oral presentation and poster awards.
In addition to the rich scientific program at our congress, we will offer social events where we will have pleasant time in the mystical atmosphere and fascinating venues of Cappadocia in Turkey.
On behalf of the Congress Organizing Committee, it will be a great pleasure and honour to host you at our 48th EPA and 27th TPID Congress in 2025.
Success is a journey and is cherished when we achieve it together.
Thank you for accompanying us on this journey.
Best regards,
President of EPA
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılıçarslan
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。