
◆ 会议时间:2025年9月17-20日
◆ 会议地点:希腊 塞萨洛尼基


◆ 会议简介:



ESCV 2025 - 27th Annual Conference of the European Society for Clinical Virology

Date: 17-20 September, 2025
Venue: Thessaloniki, Greece



Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to welcome abstracts for the following presentation types: Oral Presentations and Posters.

Deadline for abstract submission: 12th May 2025.

Online Submission Portal

Sign in or create an account with Oxford Abstracts. Use the link to access the submission form 点此提交摘要>>>https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/77236/submitter. Note that event organizers will use this email to communicate with you about the meeting and your abstract submission.

  • To submit your abstract to the pre - conference workshops (ENPEN & ENNGS), Tuesday, September 16, 2025, you need to enter the abstract submission platform and select your preferred pre - conference workshop from the topic category.
  • To submit your abstract to the 27th ESCV Annual Meeting, you must enter the abstract submission platform and select one of the Meeting categories under the topic category.
  • If you wish to submit your abstract to both the pre-conference workshops and the 27th ESCV Annual Meeting, you will need to submit your abstract twice through the platform. First,  select the pre-conference workshop that interests you under the topic category, and once the abstract is submitted, you repeat the procedure by selecting a different topic from the Meeting topic category and resubmitting the abstract. If the abstract is selected as an oral presentation at one of the pre – conference workshops, then it can only be presented as a poster at the 27th ESCV Annual Meeting.

Access the submission form https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/77236/submitter after signing in. As the submitter, you will be asked to fill out the following form fields. Responses to all questions are required (*). Where there are word limits, you are responsible for remaining within the guidelines. Please proofread your abstract carefully as reviewers cannot edit your abstract.

Title *

  • Enter the FULL TITLE of your submission.
  • There is a 40 - word limit.
  • Please italicize taxonomic names as appropriate.
  • Do not use all upper case or use terminal punctuation.
  • This will be used for printing in the final program.

Presentation type *

  • Choose Either, Oral or Poster.

Authors and affiliations *

  • Enter the names of all authors in the order in which they should appear in the program.
  • Do not use all uppercase lettering on names.
  • The system only allows one author to be designated as the presenter.
  • You may include multiple affiliations for any author. Please make sure that affiliations from the same institution for multiple authors are entered in an identical manner.
  • Affirmation that the presenter will register for the meeting

Abstract *

  • There is a 300-word limit on abstracts (Title, author’ s names and affiliations are exempt from 300 words limit).
  • Please italicize taxonomic names as appropriate.
  • The standard abstract structure goes as follows: 1) Introduction/Aim,  2) Material and Methods,  3) Results,  4) Conclusions

Topics *

  • Choose the topic that you believe your abstract fits into.

All author approval *

  • This required affirmation confirms that the submitting author has provided the contents of the submission to all listed authors and that they approve of its submission for presentation at the 27th ESCV 2025 Annual Meeting.

Permission to publish *
This required affirmation gives permission to the organizers of the 27th ESCV 2025 Annual Meeting to publish this abstract on electronic media and in hardcopy (i.e., in the abstract book, programme, and poster gallery) if it is accepted for presentation.
Press SUBMIT - You may pause in the completion of this form at any time but MUST press the submit button to save and be able to return to it before the deadline.

Pressing submit:

  • Generate an email about the status of your abstract submission, including a link to access it for revisions.
    Although the system allows you to submit your abstract without choosing to amend your abstract by attaching your presentation to a topic, this is in fact a choice that we require that you make.
  • Submission confirmation emails from the system about your abstract not only do not flag that this choice has not been made, but they will tell you your submission is complete.

Modification of submission. You will be able to modify your abstract after submission until the deadline of 12th May 2025. Review of submissions will begin after that date.

Multiple submissions. If you wish to submit more than one abstract, please complete a separate form for each. Presenters may be limited in the number of oral presentations that may be accommodated due to scheduling.

Submission withdrawal. If you wish to withdraw your abstract, please contact abstracts@escv2025.org.

Review Process and Notification

Each abstract will be reviewed by members of the scientific committee experts in their field. Abstracts that are incomplete (i.e., not all * questions have been answered) at the time of assignment to reviewers will not be considered for presentation at the meeting.

The Scientific Committee will endeavor to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.

Reviewers are unable to make any changes to your abstract, so please proofread your abstract carefully. The submitter will be notified by email regarding the outcome of their submission once the review process is over.

If your abstract is accepted, the presenter is expected to attend and register for ESCV 2025 Annual Meeting by the communicated registration deadline and present the poster or oral presentation. Instructions for oral & poster will be announced after the review process is over.


Welcome to the 27th ESCV Conference

Dear Colleagues and friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 27th ESCV Annual Meeting, to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, 17-20 September,  2025.

The ESCV Annual Meeting has always been a major event for the Clinical Virology scientific community and it is now becoming even more popular, comprehensive, innovative and influential, while maintaining high standards of scientific quality and a family atmosphere. The 27th ESCV Annual Meeting is promising to be an exciting event, covering all timely topics of Clinical Virology, enabling delegates to exchange knowledge with world-class experts, network with colleagues and vividly discuss the latest advances on “traditional” and emerging viruses with the global Virology community.

The ESCV 2025 Scientific Committee is preparing a scientific programme of the highest calibre for this event. The Conference will include all of its “classical” features, such as keynote lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions as well as podcasts with cutting-edge virology leaders and prestigious scientific awards to outstanding clinical virologists. Furthermore, state-of-theart diagnostic applications from leading companies on Clinical Virology with high impact on clinical specialties such as Infectious disease specialists, Pediatricians, ICU doctors, Immunologists, Public Health experts, etc, are expected to be presented in industry-sponsored symposia.

We firmly believe that Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, is a great asset and a key factor for a successful Congress. Being at a crossroads joining Europe and Asia to the east, and the Balkans with Central and Northern Europe to the north, Thessaloniki is a multi-cultural metropolis, in which one can reach monuments representing 2,300 years of history within a few minutes’ walk. It is by no chance that fifteen of these monuments are listed at the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Named after Great Alexanders’ sister, the city of Thessaloniki provides a waterfront along Thermaikos Gulf of about 5 Km that residents and visitors can enjoy alike. The city offers excellent conference facilities and outstanding hospitality.

Our venue, the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, is located in this vibrant esplanade, in a walking distance from the city center and constitutes an ideal environment for both the dissemination of scientific knowledge and for stimulating social interactions. With that in mind, we look forward to welcoming you to Thessaloniki in September 2025, eager to exchange views on our field and ready to enjoy the marvelous late Greek summer overlooking the Aegean coastline.

George Sourvinos
Conference Chair

Pamela J. Vallely
ESCV President




Registration Categories & Fees

The Registration Fees include: *The Registration Fees include:
  • Delegate’s badge
  • Admission to the scientific sessions
  • Admission to the exhibition hall
  • Congress scientific material
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Accreditation
  • Coffee breaks and light lunches during the meeting
  • Welcome Reception on the first evening
  • Pre - Conference workshops (if desired)
  • Exhibitor’s badge
  • Admission to the scientific sessions
  • Admission to the exhibition hall
  • Coffee breaks and light lunches during the meeting
  • Welcome Reception on the first evening





◆ 参会对象:(临床)病毒学家或微生物学家,医生、兽医、传染病专家、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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