
◆ 会议时间:2025年4月23-26日
◆ 会议地点:意大利 米兰


◆ 会议简介:

2025年第13届欧洲体外生命支持组织年会/大会(EuroELSO 2025)将于2025年4月23-26日在意大利米兰举行,会议由体外生命支持组织欧洲分会(EuroELSO)主办,预计有来自70多个国家的1500名专业人士与会。EuroELSO科学委员会将制定一个涵盖体外生命支持治疗各个方面宣的教育科学计划。重症医学家、心脏病学家、心外科医师、儿科和新生儿专家、灌注医师和ICU护士将齐聚一堂,一起分享他们的临床经验,讨论新技术和研究的新方向。


13th EuroELSO Congress - European Extracorporeal Life Support Organization

Date: 23-26 April 2025
Venue: Milan, Italy




Call for Abstracts & Manuscripts for EuroELSO Congress 2025

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts Submission Deadline: 05 January 2025


Call for Manuscripts

Submission Deadline: 30 October 2024 Please make sure to use the following manuscript type: EURO-ELSO 2025


Perfusion submission guidelines>>>



Dear colleagues, members and friends,

The EuroELSO Steering Committee is delighted to invite you to join the next EuroELSO congress in Milan on 23-26 April 2025 including the pre-congress 23-24 April 2025.

Extracorporeal life support has become increasingly important. Our Scientific Committee is preparing an outstanding programme covering all aspects of the ECLS in both adult and pediatric populations to interest physicians, nurses, surgeons, perfusionists, engineers, physiotherapists, dieticians, and psychologists.

We will provide you with extensive opportunities for networking with experts, hands-on experience, and simulation through educational workshops and pre-meeting courses covering from basic to more advanced ECLS practices.  EuroELSO believes it is essential to care for our caregivers and will be focussing on this important area. 

The meeting will be held in Milan, the capital of Lombardy, having one of the first ECMO centres worldwide and being the cradle of the VV-ECMO – together with the cities of Bergamo, Brescia, Monza and Pavia a metropolitan region when it comes to ECMO.

Milan is as well is one of the world fashion capitals, known for its cool nightlife and is a multi-ethnic, colourful city.

We look forward to meeting you there in 2025!

Mirko Belliato
EuroELSO President

Roberto Lorusso
EuroELSO Honorary Secretary






Main Congress 24-27 April 2024

  Registration fees Early Bird until 03.03.2024 Registration fees from 04.03.2024 Registration fees Onsite from 08.04.2024
Member Physician EUR 395 EUR 460 EUR 600
Member Physician low income* EUR 303 EUR 350 EUR 600
Member Perfusionist, Nurse, Health Care Professional EUR 230 EUR 300 EUR 345
Member Perfusionist, Nurse low income* EUR 175 EUR 230 EUR 345
Non Member Physician EUR 525 EUR 570 EUR 660
Non Member Physician low income* EUR 405 EUR 440 EUR 660
Non Member Perfusionist, Nurse, Health Care Professional EUR 295 EUR 345 EUR 390
Non Member Perfusionist, Nurse, Health Care Professional low income* EUR 225 EUR 265 EUR 390
Student, Trainee EUR 170 EUR 175 EUR 200
Student, Trainee low income* EUR 135 EUR 135 EUR 200
Special fee Polish citizen Physician EUR 190 EUR 210 EUR 230
Special fee Polish citizen Perfusionist, Nurse EUR 140 EUR 150 EUR 170
Special fee Ukrainian citizen complimentary    

Pre-Congress 24-25 April 2024

  Pre-Congress Registration fees Early Bird until 03.03.2024
Pre-Congress Registration fees from 04.03.2024 Pre-Congress Registration fees Onsite from 08.04.2024
Member Physician EUR 205 EUR 255 EUR 285
Member Perfusionist, Nurse, Health Care Professional incl. in main registration incl. in main registration incl. in main registration
Non Member Physician EUR 235 EUR 285 EUR 300
Non Member Perfusionist, Nurse, Health Care Professional incl. in main registration incl. in main registration incl. in main registration
Student, Trainee EUR 80 EUR 100 EUR 115
Special fee Polish citizen Physician EUR 70 EUR 90 EUR 115
Special fee Polish citizen Perfusionist, Nurse, Student incl. in main registration incl. in main registration incl. in main registration
Special fee Ukrainian citizen & low income complimentary    


The registration fee for delegates includes:

  • Access to the Scientific Session (for Pre-Congress participation an additional fee applies)
  • Access to the Exhibition
  • Free copy of the Perfusion e-Abstract book 
  • Certificate of attendance and CME credits
  • Breaks incl. coffee/tea
  • Get together 

EuroELSO Congress dinner will take place at the old tram depot Stara Zajezdnia at an additional fee.

* The EuroELSO 2024 Congress grants for participants from so called low- and lower middle incoming countries a 30% discount on the published registration fees. The place of work is decisive to apply and a certificate is mandatory.


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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