
◆ 会议时间:2026年3月18-21日
◆ 会议地点:奥地利 维也纳


◆ 会议简介:



EUROGIN 2026 - EUropean Research Organisation on Genital Infection and Neoplasia Congress
International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress 2026

March 18-21, 2026

Austria Center Vienna ( Vienna, Austria)





Abstract submission deadline: October 30, 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Editing Instructions
  1. Abstracts must be submitted through the online submission system;
  2. Your abstract should not exceed a total of 3,500 characters all sections included:
    Background/ObjectivesMethodsResults, and Conclusion;
  3. The title should not be written in upper case (capitals), keep it as short as possible clearly indicating the nature of the investigation; 
  4. Please avoid complex mathematical formulae; the system allows to insert simple tables;
  5. Abstracts should be structured in at least three sections, clearly mentioned as such: Background/Objectives – Methods – Results (optional) – Conclusions. References may be mentioned;
  6. All authors (main author and co-authors) should be listed with their last names (family names) and their first name(s). The published version will only mention the initial(s) of the first name(s).ONE author must be identified as the PRESENTER; the presenter commits to registering as a delegate (except if she/he is an invited speaker), to attend the congress and present the abstract;
  7. Please indicate professional addresses of all authors: Name of hospital, unit or laboratory, city and country in lower case. No other indications are to be given. Different affiliations will be automatically numbered;
  8. Do not indent spaces on the first line of each paragraph. No space should be inserted between paragraphs. Use international standards for scientific articles;
  9. Only standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Data must be given in units widely used in literature;
  10. Only essential references should be included and put in brackets at the end of the abstract: Numbers in the text may refer to them;
  11. Drugs must be identified by their generic names and no company names should be mentioned in the title of the abstract.
Abstract Topics

For review purposes, abstracts are classified according to the following list. Select only 1 topic on our submission form.

For review purposes, abstracts are classified according to the following list. Select only 1 topic on our submission form.

1. HPV disease and COVID-19

2. Viral and molecular biology

3. Epidemiology and natural history

4. Pathogenesis

5. Immunology

6. HPV prophylactic vaccines

7. HPV therapeutic vaccines

8. Immunotherapy - Immuno-oncology - New treatments

9. HPV testing

10. HPV screening

11. Screening for women difficult to reach

12. Triage of HPV positive women

13. Self-sampling

14. Genotyping

15. Molecular markers

16. Screening methods

17. Methylation

18. Microbiome

19. Serology

20. New technologies

21. Artificial intelligence - Big data - Machine learning

22. Diagnostic procedures / management

23. Risk management

24. Colposcopy

25. Cervical neoplasia

26. Vulvar and vaginal diseases and neoplasia

27. Anal neoplasia

28. Oral HPV infection

29. HPV and oropharynx / Head and neck cancer

30. HPV and associated skin diseases

31. Genital warts

32. HPV transmission

33. Sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection

34. Conventional therapies

35. Economics and modelling

36. Advocacy, acceptability and psychology

37. Health education

38. Low resource settings

39. Public health

40. Fertility and HPV



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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