
◆ 会议时间:2026年5月9-14日
◆ 会议地点:葡萄牙 里斯本


◆ 会议简介:


国际神经调节学会(INS)成立于1989年,是一个由临床医生、科学家和工程师组成的非营利组织,INS致力于神经调节的科学发展和认识——通过向身体的目标部位传递电刺激或化学制剂来改变神经活动。INS总部设在美国加州旧金山,INS通过会议、medline索引、同行评审的期刊《Neuromodulation: Technology》等宣来促进该领域的教育与发展。国际神经调控学会(INS)每两年组织一次世界大会。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)

17th World Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS)

Date: May 9-14, 2026
Venue: Lisbon, Portugal






Abstract Submission

Abstract deadline: Tuesday 17 October, 2023

Submit Abstrac提交指要

Abstract Topics摘要主题


Presentation Types Available

Oral Communications 

Refers to abstracts accepted for oral presentations at the podium in dedicated Oral Communication Sessions.
Please note: Abstracts that are accepted for Oral Communication sessions are automatically accepted as Posters / ePosters as well.

Paper Posters / ePosters 

Paper posters will be displayed on numbered poster boards in the Exhibition area to be viewed during the Congress. In addition, ePosters will also be available at
ePoster stations.



Rules for Submission

Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.

  • IMPORTANT: The INS welcomes abstract submissions from medical professionals, researchers and biomedical engineers who have a professional interest in neuromodulation.
    NOTE: Industry employees’ participation as presenters in the scientific program is only allowed if they agree to speak only on completely non-commercial topics, unrelated to any of their company’s products, such as:
    – basic science research (e.g. pre-clinical research, or therapy discovery)
    – process or methodologies of research unrelated to a specific disease or device
    – mechanisms of action unrelated to a specific product
  • Abstracts must be submitted online via the website only. ABSTRACTS SUBMITTED BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
  • Abstracts must be received by the announced deadline. Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.



  • The same person may submit up to 4 abstracts regardless of presenting author.
  • The same person may serve as presenting author on up to 4 abstracts.
  • Presenting authors must be registered participants. Only accepted abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees will be included in the Congress program.
  • Submission of the abstract constitutes the consent of all authors to publication (e.g. Congress and the INS society’s website, programs, other promotions, the INS’s journal, Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, etc.)
  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract and agree to its submission, before submitting the abstract.
  • The presenting author can be replaced by one of the abstract co-authors only.
  • Oral Communications and Posters are limited to one (1) primary presenter.
  • Abstracts must be original and not have been published or presented at any other congress prior to the 16thWorld Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS)
  • The abstract must be submitted in good English. Proofread for typographical, grammar, and syntax errors. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject those abstracts which are presented in poor English or may request an immediate revision by the presenter.
  • Financial Disclosures: Abstract submitters will be required to disclose financial disclosures in the submission system for both themselves and for all the authors.
  • NoteAs the congress will be taking place in Canada presenting authors selected for oral communications will be required to complete an additional COI form and submit their slides, upon request, for peer review.
  • Publication Embargo: The abstract contents will be available 2 weeks prior to the Congress.
  • Instructions for the preparation of presentations will be made available on the congress website.



Abstracts Set Up Content

 Abstract Title

  • The title should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract (maximum 25 words)– Please use standard UPPER CASE letters
  • Do not use non-standard abbreviations
  • Commercial names may not be used in the abstract’s title (generic names only)
  • Do not put a full stop (.) at the end of the title
  • Please submit all symbols as words in the title

Abstract Text

Up to 400 words including acknowledgments. (Please note: word count is affected when graphs/tables are included). Please provide an accurate, succinct and informative representation of the content that will be presented in the poster, if accepted.

Abstract Topic

Select the abstract topic per the list of topics.


The maximum file size of each image is 500 KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixels. You may upload images in JPG, PNG or GIF format only. Patient identity must be protected or written permission from the patient must accompany the print.Note: images don’t affect the word count.

Abstract Format

  • Introduction
  • Methods/Materials
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Supplemental Data
  • References
  • Acknowledgments
  • Learning Objectives
  • Financial Disclosures


  • These may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use (put in parentheses immediately after the first mention of a term or phrase). Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases.
  • Commercial names are admitted in the Materials and Methods section only, with an ®, and if in brackets following the generic name, i.e. “generic (Commercial ®)”. Do not use the ampersand character (&) unless it is part of the company name. Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases.
  • Use generic names of devices and drugs. The presentation must be balanced and contain no commercial promotional content nor commercial logos.
  • Submissions may not contain patient names, hospital ID numbers, or other identifying information.
  • If the cost of a presentation has been underwritten to any extent, a clear acknowledgment stating the support and identifying the source should be included in the abstract (e.g., “The support of [corporation or institution] for this project is gratefully acknowledged.”)




Registration Fees (USD)

Fees apply to payments received prior to the indicated deadlines:

Registration Categories Early Rate
(Until the 13 Feb, 2024)
Regular Rate
(From the 14 Feb to 18 Apr, 2024 )
Onsite Rate
(From the 19 April, 2024)
Full Participants – Non-member* $ 1025 $ 1215 $ 1355
Full Participants - Member $ 705 $ 865 $ 1005
AHCP/Students/Fellows** $ 495 $ 495 $ 545
Low and lower middle income countries*** $ 495 $ 495 $ 495
Daily Registration (13/14/15 May) $ 325 $ 355 $ 355
Daily Registration (Last day - 16 May) $ 145 $ 175 $ 175
Pre-Conference Registration: 11-12 May 2024
Full Participant - One day $ 400 $ 435 $ 470
Full Participant - Two days $ 625 $ 625 $ 625
AHCP/Students/Fellows** - One day $ 325 $ 325 $ 325
AHCP/Students/Fellows** - Two days $ 490 $ 490 $ 490

* This rate includes a year’s INS and chapter membership (if a chapter exists in the region).

** In order to benefit from the special fee, a submission of your status confirmation must be uploaded during the online registration process.

*** Low & Lower-Middle Income countries are defined according to the World Bank Country Classification of Low income and Lower-middle income economies; click here to see the Country Classification data.

Registration Fees Include:

  • Participation in all scientific sessions.
  • An invitation to the Opening Reception.
  • Access to the Exhibition and Poster Area.
  • Refreshments and light lunch as per breaks indicated in the program.
  • Dedicated time and place for Networking.
  • Printed material of the Congress.




◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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