
◆ 会议时间:2025年5月26-28日
◆ 会议地点:德国 汉堡


◆ 会议简介:



ISAM 2025 - International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) Congress

Date: May 26-28, 2025
Venue: Hamburg, Germany

Organised by:
International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM)



Poster submission has been extended from March 1 to March 30, 2025

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Submission Guidelines:

    • Lead author must be attending ISAM 2025.
    • Abstracts must be written in English.
    • The study presented in the abstract must be approved within the scope of ethics and animal experimentation rules.
    • Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented at another meeting.
    • Abstracts must be submitted under one of these formats: Symposium, Workshop, Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation
    • Two learning objectives must be indicated for each presentation, workshop and symposium.

Presentation Type:

  • Symposium:
    • Each symposium is scheduled to be 90 minutes in length and is composed of three speakers and one chair (one of the symposium organizers must act as a chair in their proposed symposium).
    • Each speaker is requested to submit a speech abstract (limited to 300 words including background and objective).
  • Workshop:
    • Workshops are scheduled to be interactive, 90 minutes in length, can consist of data presentation and/or skills-building sessions.
    • Workshops can have two to four speakers.
    • The team of speakers will be managed by a chair, a co-chair or moderator is optional.
    • The abstract is limited to 300 words including background and objective of the workshop.

Oral Presentation:

    • An oral presentation is a brief talk, typically 15 minutes (13 minutes talk + 2 minutes Q&A).
    • Presenters will receive an email notification of acceptance with the date, time, and type (oral or poster) of presentation.
    • The abstract is limited to 500 words and 3-5 references. References are not included in the word count.
    • All tables, figures, and reference citations must be referred to in the text of the abstract.
    • The abstract should be structured into the following sections:
    • Introduction/Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • The Congress Committee is permitted to publish the accepted abstract in the ISAM 2025 program booklet.

Poster Presentation:

    • Authors are requested to be present next to their poster boards during Poster Session.
    • Posters will be placed electronically in kiosks and must be prepared in 1920 x 1080 (vertical) dimensions – jpeg format.
    • The abstract is limited to 500 words and 3-5 references. References are not included in the word count.
    • All tables, figures, and reference citations must be referred to in the text of the abstract.
    • The abstract should be structured into the following sections:
        • Introduction/Objectives
        • Methods
        • Results
        • Conclusions
    • The Congress Committee is permitted to publish the accepted abstract in the ISAM 2025 program booklet.

Submission and Review procedure:

    • Submitted abstracts can be saved as drafts and edited up to the submission deadline. After submission it is not possible to change the abstract.
    • Abstracts that are still in draft status after the deadline will not be evaluated and will not be included in the congress program.
    • The Scientific Committee will review and evaluate all submitted abstracts according to the purpose and rationale of the study, appropriateness of the method, discussion of the results and the significance of contribution of the study.
    • The Scientific Committee may accept submitted abstracts in an alternative format or presentation type.



Dear friends and colleagues,

on behalf of the International Society of Addiction Medicine, the University of Hamburg, and the Academic Teaching Hospital Itzehoe, we welcome you to the XXVII ISAM Congress in Hamburg, Germany. We chose ‘Addiction Medicine – think globally, act locally’ as congress topic. We would like to encourage addiction specialists from all around the world to share their approaches and experiences with the congress attendees. We believe that discussing diverse backgrounds can enrich the perspectives on addiction in different cultural settings. The ISAM Congress and the renowned Hamburger Suchttherapietage, a German addiction congress, will take place at the same time.

Hamburg represents the perfect location. With 1.8 million inhabitants it is the second largest city in Germany with a long maritime tradition as trade city open to people from all over the world.

Also in terms of addiction research and treatment, Hamburg is outstanding. The University of Hamburg led the German trial for heroin-assisted treatment for Germany, which led to authorization of heroin as regular medication. Many other trials followed.

The XXVII ISAM congress will take place in the historical buildings of the University of Hamburg. The Alster lake and the inner city are nearby, as well as a variety of accommodation facilities in walking distance.

A warm welcome from

H.E. Dr. Hamad Al Ghafri

President ISAM

Prof. Dr. Jens Reimer

Local Congress President



Early Bird:

Standard – 650 Euro
LAMI Countries – 350 Euro
Students – 350 Euro
ISAM members & Representatives – 520 Euro
ISAM Affiliate – 585 Euro
Gala Dinner – 80 Euro


Standard – 750 Euro
LAMI Countries – 450 Euro
Students – 450 Euro
ISAM members & Representatives – 600 Euro
ISAM Affiliate – 675 Euro
Gala Dinner – 80 Euro


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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