
◆ 会议时间:2025年9月30日-10月3日
◆ 会议地点:瑞士 日内瓦


◆ 会议简介:



18th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA 2025)

Date: eptember 30 - October 3, 2025
Venue: Geneva, Switzerland



Call for Abstract Highlights
  • May 1, 2025 Submission deadline.
  • June 16, 2025 Notification of acceptance.
  • June 30, 2025 Presenters must be registered and paid by this date; otherwise the abstract will be removed from the program.
  • Rule of two One presenter can present maximum two abstracts during the Congress. Co-authors must be assigned as presenter if more than two abstracts were accepted.
  • Resubmission policy Abstracts that have also been submitted to WTC 2025, TTS 2024 or other congresses in the past year are welcome.


Abstract Topics for IXA 2025
Cell and Tissue Xenotransplantation (non-islets)

Coagulation and Thrombosis

Ethics, Cultural and Religious Aspects of Xenotransplantation

Genetic Engineering of the Xeno Donor

Immunosuppression and Tolerance

Infectious Risk and Xenozoonoses

Innate Immunity and Inflammation

Islet Xenotransplantation – Clinical and Preclinical Models

Islet Xenotransplantation – Small Animal and In Vitro Models

Methodology / Techniques / Resources

Molecular and Physiologic Incompatibilities

Organ Xenotransplantation – Preclinical Models

Organ Xenotransplantation – Subclinical Models

Organ Xenotransplantation – Clinical Application
Organ Xenotransplantation – Small Animal and In Vitro Models
Regulation and Public Perception of Xenotransplantation

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Technology

Xeno Pathology and Molecular Mechanisms

Xenoantigens and Antibodies


Abstract Structure

All abstracts should be formatted into the following four sections:

  • Introduction: clarifies the motivation for the research presented.
  • Methods: provides sufficient detail for others to reproduce what is studied in the research project.
  • Results: presents and discusses the results.
  • Conclusion: presents the outcome of the work by interpreting the findings and by relating these findings to the motivation stated in the Introduction. Explain the significance of your findings / outcomes and future implications of the results.

Abstract Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the Congress abstract submission website.

  • Abstracts will be accepted in English only.
  • There is no fee for submitting an abstract.
  • There are no limitations on the number of abstracts that an individual can submit. However, one individual can only present two abstracts as oral presentations during the entire Congress. If you have more than 2 abstracts accepted, you will be obliged to identify alternate presenters for any abstract above the first two. The same applies for poster presentations.
  • The abstract text body is limited to 3,000 characters (Approx. 400 words) including spaces. A maximum of two figures/images (in JPG, GIF, or PNG with ideally 600 dpi) can be included. These will not count toward the word limit, nor will the information about authors, institutions and study groups. File size of 2 MB maximum for each figure.
  • Tables: do not insert tables into the body of the abstracts, the system will not recognize the format of the table. Tables will need to be uploaded as image files into the body of the abstract.
  • Abstracts accepted for presentation will be published electronically in Xenotransplantation, the official journal of the International Xenotransplantation Association. Abstracts not accepted for presentation, or if the presenter is not officially registered to the Congress by June 30, 2025 will not be published. Abstracts will also be posted prior to the Congress in the detailed program section of the Congress website.
  • Employees of Commercial Interests: IXA recognizes that employees/spouses of commercial interests are often involved in research and discovery and encourages these employees to submit abstracts to facilitate the flow of new information. Employees of commercial interests should submit abstracts when the content is limited to basic science research (e.g., pre-clinical research, drug discovery) or the processes/methodologies of research, themselves unrelated to a specific disease or compound/drug, and the abstract is not related to clinical applications of the research/discovery or clinical recommendations concerning the business lines or products of their employer.
  • Ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission, publication, and potential presentation. Abstracts cannot be changed or withdrawn after May 15, 2025. Once an abstract has been scored by reviewers, no change in the body of the abstract will be accepted.
  • Presenters of accepted abstracts must confirm their acceptance, register and pay for the Congress by June 30 (early bird deadline), otherwise the abstract will not be published.



Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 18th Congress of the International Xenotransplantation Association, taking place in the cosmopolitan city of Geneva, Switzerland, from September 30 to October 3, 2025. This prestigious event is expected to attract several hundred participants, including leading experts, researchers, and clinicians from around the world who are at the forefront of xenotransplantation science.

After decades of intense pre-clinical research, several clinical organ xenotransplants have been performed in the USA and China over the last two years, indicating that this approach has reached the level of clinical testing. Continuous improvements will be necessary to allow broader applications. 

Geneva, known for its rich history and stunning landscapes, provides the perfect backdrop for a congress dedicated to groundbreaking research and innovative clinical trials in xenotransplantation. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage with renowned professionals and gain insights into the latest advancements and future directions of the field.

We are committed to creating an enriching and impactful experience for all participants. Join us in Geneva for an inspiring and memorable event that will shape the future of xenotransplantation.

We look forward to welcoming you and working together to advance the field.

Warm regards,

Muhammad Mansoor Mohiuddin 
IXA President

Léo Bühler 
IXA 2025 Congress Chair




  Early Bird Registration
June 30, 2025
Standard Registration
After June 30, 2025
On Site Registration
IXA Member1 $690 $790 $890
Non-Member $890 $990 $1,090
IXA Member Student, Fellow, Trainee1,2 $300 $350 $400
Non-Member Student, Fellow, Trainee2 $350 $400 $450
Industry $1,000 $1,100 $1,200

1To register for the reduced member fee, you must be a member in good standing of the International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA).
2Students and Trainees are required to submit a letter from their supervisor on their institution’s letterhead written in English and signed by their supervisor or division or department head. The document must be uploaded online after processing the online registration. On the 'Dashboard' click on the module “Trainee/Student Validation”, upload the file and save.


Social Event Category Fee
Welcome Reception (September 30) included
Welcome Reception (September 30) – Guest ticket $50
Congress Networking Dinner (October 2) $100
Congress Networking Dinner (October 2) – Trainee $55

◆ 参会对象:移植外科医生,对移植感兴趣的各个领域的医生,协调员、护士、营养师,对移植感兴趣的普通外科医生和临床医生•移植科学家,营养和康复专家,移植药剂师,以及其他对移植感兴趣的相关专业人士等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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