2025年第6届欧洲新生儿学会联合大会(jENS 2025)

◆ 会议时间:2025年10月21-25日
◆ 会议地点:塞尔维亚 贝尔格莱德


◆ 会议简介:

2025年第6届欧洲新生儿学会联合大会(jENS 2025)将于2025年10月21-25日在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德举行。全议由欧洲儿科研究协会(ESPR)、欧洲新生儿和围产期协会联盟(UENPS)和欧洲新生儿护理基金会(EFCNI)联合举办。jENS大会将重点介绍目前该领域最先进的科学研究和临床护理方案,涵盖最先进的基础和临床研究到以患者为中心的护理和临床指南。一个由100多位国际领先专家组成的小组将将回顾一些热点话题,如早产儿的稳定、新生儿神经保护、新生儿超声心动图检查、新生儿胃肠病学和营养学以及非侵入性呼吸支持等等。未经本站许可禁止复制摘录本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。

jENS 2025 -6th Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies

Date: 21-25 October 2025
Venue: Sava Center, Belgrade, Serbia


Main Congress Topics

  • Neurology
  • Cardiac Physiology Pathology
  • Neonatal Pulmonology, Neonatal
    Respiratory Support, Resuscitation
  • Perinatal Pharmacology and Anesthesia
  • Epidemiology & Networks
  • Neonatal Fetal Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Nursing and Healthcare Professional
  • Neonatal GI Physiology & NEC
  • Neonatal Hematology and Bilirubin
  • Circulation, Macro- and Microcirculation
  • Neonatal Infections Diseases / Immunology
  • NICU Quality Improvement, Parents Centre Care
  • Perinatal Practices
  • Follow Up





We welcome abstracts on all topics of relevance for paediatric research or for clinical practice in neonatology. We will host a programme that includes basic science, epidemiology, clinical investigation, trials, organisation of care, quality improvement, and professional training and education.

Every abstract will be peer-reviewed. The reviewers are appointed by the Executive and Scientific Committees. Please try to fit your abstract into one of the specific topics. This will help us to prepare an interesting conference programme.

We will accept all well-written abstracts that have a general interest regarding the topic in question, the methodology, or the results. In particular, we welcome abstracts reporting on the process of large clinical trials of methodological interest, such as clinical protocols, ethical or organisational issues, pilot data, quality control, or plans for statistical analysis.

The decision on acceptance and the preliminary programme will be made by the scientific committee. Final acceptance and publication on conference materials depends on registration for the conference by one of the authors.

Most of the accepted abstracts will be presented and discussed. There will be three formats:

  • Oral presentation: 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of discussion.
  • Poster presentation: 2 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion. Presentations will be supported by 2-3 slides + electronic poster.
  • Poster walk: 2 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion. Presentations will be held in the poster area in front of the poster.
  • Abstracts not accepted for one of the above three formats can be accepted as poster displays – electronic posters with no presentation time.

Abstract Structure

Please note that the abstract needs to be structured, limited to 350 words, and include the following sections:

  1. Background
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Conclusion

1 Table OR 1 image is allowed.

Case reports, limited to 350 words, should include the following sections:

  1. Background
  2. Case report
  3. Conclusion

1 Table OR 1 image is allowed.




Category Early Bird Fee
(till 11th July 2025)
Regular Fee
Full Registration (No Membership) € 600,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 732,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 700,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 854,00 (VAT incl.)
ESPR member (Active Member 2023*) € 500,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 610,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 600,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 732,00 (VAT incl.)
UENPS (National Delegates**) € 500,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 610,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 600,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 732,00 (VAT incl.)
"Allied Health Professional (AHP) / Nurse /Student / Young investigator" € 200,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 244,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 250,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 305,00 (VAT incl.)
Low and Lower Middle Income Countries*** € 250,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 305,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 300,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 366,00 (VAT incl.)
Upper Middle Income Countries*** € 350,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 427,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 390,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 475,80 (VAT incl.)
Parents Association Representatives € 150,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 183,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 200,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 244,00 (VAT incl.)
Corporate Professionals
(Industry representatives/non-exhibitors)
€ 1.000,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 1.220,00 (VAT incl.)
€ 1.000,00 (VAT excl.)
€ 1.220,00 (VAT incl.)

22% VAT is applied in accordance to the Italian Tax Regulations
The fee includes:

  • UEMS accreditation
  • Access to all Scientific Sessions
  • Access to the Exhibition area
  • Congress Kit and attendance badge
  • Electronic final scientific program
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Coffee breaks



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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