
◆ 会议时间:2025年6月9-11日
◆ 会议地点:英国 曼彻斯特


◆ 会议简介:



Association for Laboratory Medicine (LabMed) Conference

Date: 9 - 11 June 2025
Venue: Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, UK






The National Meeting includes an abstract submission and review process through which presenters self-nominate. Abstracts are anonymised and sent for review by the scientific and clinical science review committees for suitability.  

The authors of accepted abstracts are invited to either create a poster or an oral presentation based on their abstract.  

Posters are put on display during the National Meeting. The shortlisted posters for the Clinical Case, Audit and Medal Awards will be displayed for the duration of the conference, other posters will be displayed on one day of the conference.  

Abstracts are additionally published in the Supplement of Annals of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Past abstracts are free to view and download from the Annals section. 

At least one of the authors must register for and attend the conference to present their poster and for their abstract to be published. 


Any professional, either in training or in work, can submit an abstract to be considered for a poster or a clinical case presentation. 

Each applicant (who must be the first author, if submitting on behalf of a group) must certify that the work, or a substantial and clearly defined part of it, is their own work.  

Applicants should consider how their work contributes to EDI and sustainability values. 


Applicants must use the Abstract submission form to apply. Prior to accessing the form, users will be required to create an account with the Oxford Abstracts platform. 

During the abstract submission process, authors can indicate whether they would like their submission to be considered for one of the Poster Prizes (Audit and Clinical Case), for a Clinical Cases Oral Presentation, or for the Medal Award. 

Please click on the Medal Award section on the National Conference Awards page for more information about this award. 

The abstract should be completed in no more than 300 words.

Before submitting, you can check our Poster abstract writing guidelines, our Poster guidelines and our Clinical case presentation guidelines.

The deadline for submitting your poster abstract has been extended to: 9:00 am, 20 February (GMT) each year. 


All abstract submissions are anonymised before being reviewed. 

Audit submissions are reviewed by the Audit committee. Clinical Case submissions are reviewed by the clinical science review committee, as well as by the Clinical Case Oral Presentation session chair.   

For Clinical Cases, criteria for selection include a clear description of the clinical presentation, presentation of the test results, appropriate interpretation of those results.  

For Clinical Audit, a successful submission includes a clear description of the area of practice, the standards/ guidelines used, changes introduced, and re-audit.  

Preference will be given to cases with multi-disciplinary involvement, rare case studies, or an unusual presentation of a more common case.  

The authors of the highest scoring Clinical Cases will be contacted to discuss their preference for either oral or poster presentation. Note that case abstracts presented orally at the meeting session will not be displayed as posters.  

Submissions for the Medal Award will be reviewed and shortlisted by an Award Committee comprising the Association’s President, Past President or President Elect, Director of Publications and Communications, Director of Education, Training and Workforce and the Director of Conferences and Events. 

During the conference a judging panel will be convened for the shortlisted Audit and Clinical Case posters. This judging panel usually comprises the Chair of the Clinical Science Review Committee, the Chair of the National Audit Committee and the Director of Scientific Affairs, who will discuss posters with the authors. Authors will be expected to attend their poster during the lunch break at a time organised by the judging panel. 

The Clinical Cases Oral Presentation Session is voted for by the audience. 

The Medal Award oral presentations and question and answer session will be scored by the judging panel as outlined above. 

The winners will be announced and presented with their prizes at the closing ceremony of the conference. 


The winner of the Medal Award receives £300 and the runner up £150.  

The winner for each other category receives £100 and the runner-up receives £50.  

Authors should not submit their abstract into more than one category. Clinical Cases should not be submitted for the Medal Award. 

Should authors have more than one abstract selected for oral presentation in one category, they will be asked to select their preferred abstract for presentation. 


If you have any questions about the Poster Abstracts or the submission process, please don’t hesitate to contact the Team at enquiries@labmed.org.uk



Welcome from LabMed President, Kath Hayden

As we move into 2024 as our new Association for Laboratory Medicine, I look forward to welcoming you at the LabMedUK24 National Meeting at the DoubleTree by Hilton Brighton Metropole, held between 10-12 June 2024.  

LabMedUK24 will bring two days of high quality science comprising four plenary sessions and ten parallel symposia across 11-12 of June. An excellent programme covers the big picture thinking, new science and updates on key areas. This is preceded by a training day for Clinical Biochemistry and Microbiology trainees on 10 June, offering an important way for trainees to meet their peers as well as to learn. Our social programme enables us to mix and unwind after the sessions.

This scientific meeting offers an opportunity to present science and research, submit clinical cases and abstracts, find out what is new from our industry sponsors, and to network with colleagues from across the UK and abroad.

It will be fantastic to return to Brighton for our annual in-person scientific meeting and I am excited to see you all there. 

Kath Hayden, President




◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

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