◆ 会议时间:2024年9月24-27日
◆ 会议地点:南非 开普敦
◆ 会议简介:
2024年世界流行病学大会(WCE 2024)将于2024年9月24-27日在南非开普敦举行,会议由国际流行病学协会(IEA)组织。会议将全面探讨当代流行病学方法和实践的深度和广度,将邀请顶级演讲嘉宾进行全体演讲、研讨会和互动会议。摘要驱动的项目将包括口头和海报演示,包括流行病学每个子学科的理论和应用。WCE2024预计将有超过1000名代表参加,这将是一个分享经验和专业知识的独特机会——在该领域学习、成长和建立联系的机会将是巨大的。
World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE2024)
Triennial congress of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA)
Date: September 24-27, 2024
Cape Town, South Africa
Theme: Epidemiology and complexity: challenges and responses
Fast track submission deadline:
1 December 2023 |
Fast track dispositions:
8 January 2024 |
General submission deadline:
16 February 2024 |
General dispositions:
25 March 2024 |
Late-breaker submission deadline:
1 May 2024 |
Late-breaker dispositions:
24 May 2024 |
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
Fast track abstracts:
These undergo a rapid review process, making them ideal for authors who require early acceptance for visa and/or funding applications.
General abstracts:
These undergo the standard review process, making them suitable for most abstract submissions.
Late-breaker abstracts:
These undergo a rapid review process, and typically feature significant, late-emerging findings that contribute to the latest developments in epidemiology.
We accept two types of abstracts for WCE2024: Research abstracts and Programmatic abstracts. Both types of abstracts serve as a way to communicate research findings or programme details to a broader audience within the field of epidemiology.
Research abstract: provides a concise summary of an epidemiological study.
Key components of the abstract include:
- Background: A brief description of the research problem, its significance, and the gap in current knowledge that the study aims to address.
- Methods: An overview of the research design, data collection, and analysis methods used in the study.
- Results: A summary of the main findings or outcomes of the research.
- Discussion: A statement of the study’s implications, significance, and potential applications.
Programmatic abstract: describes an epidemiological programme, service platform or training initiative. Information presented in programmatic abstracts may not be findings of an epidemiological study; instead these abstracts present the unique features and/or learning from a programme in the field of epidemiology.
Key components of the abstract include:
- Background: An overview of the public health issue or problem being addressed and the rationale for the program.
- Description: Details about the design, implementation, and evaluation of the programme, including any innovative approaches or strategies used.
- Outcomes: Presentation of the program’s results, including information on its effectiveness, impact on health outcomes, and any relevant findings.
- Impact & Lessons: Interpretation of the results and their implications for the field of epidemiology and public health more generally.
Abstract submission guidelines
Please keep in mind the following guidelines when structuring your abstract for submission:
- Abstracts are to be submitted via the Abstract submission portal with both fast track and general submission deadlines. Research data analysed emerging after the general submission deadline can still be submitted as a late-breaking abstract. For a complete overview of submission deadlines and important milestones, kindly refer to the important dates.
- Each section of the Research and Programmatic abstract should be presented as a single paragraph, and section headings (see under Abstract types) should not be included within the text.
- The total word limit for both the Research and Programmatic abstract 350 words.
All abstract submissions should be categorised under one of the specified tracks to streamline the abstract review process. If you are uncertain about which track best suits your abstract, please feel free to reach out to the WCE Scientific Coordinator for guidance. Alternatively, you may choose to submit your abstract under the ‘Epidemiology and Public Health’ section, which can serve as a suitable default category. This will ensure that your submission is considered for review while ensuring it finds its appropriate place within the conference program. We encourage authors to select the most relevant track to enhance the precision of the review process and to align with the thematic focus of their research.
Subject areas |
Description |
1. |
Aging epidemiology |
Includes multifactorial changes associated with aging and health impact of aging societies. |
2. |
Applied and field epidemiology |
Includes the application of epidemiologic methods and concepts in public health systems, including disease surveillance as well as investigations of disease outbreaks. |
3. |
Behavioural epidemiology |
Includes research focused on health-related behaviours (such as smoking, alcohol, sleep, exercise, and risk factors related to diseases of lifestyle). |
4. |
Cancer epidemiology |
Includes continuum of cancer epidemiology, prevention and control; and all malignancies (breast, colorectal, lung, nasopharyngeal, hematologic, ovarian, endometrial and prostate cancers). |
5. |
Cardiovascular and metabolic disease epidemiology |
Includes research related to obesity, cardiovascular conditions, metabolic disorders (including metabolic syndrome). |
6. |
Climate epidemiology |
Includes climate change epidemiology as well as major determinants of climate-disease associations (eg, extreme heat, precipitation, floods, drought). |
7. |
Clinical epidemiology |
Includes the application of epidemiologic methods and concepts to study the diagnosis, natural history, management and outcomes of specific health conditions; global surgery topics and epidemiologic applications within health services evaluation are included here. |
8. |
Environmental and occupational epidemiology |
Includes chemical, physical, and occupational exposures, including aspects of the built environment; molecular epidemiology of exogenous exposures are included here. |
9. |
Epidemiologic methods |
Innovations in or applications of epidemiologic and/or biostatistical concepts and methods. This also includes data sources and data repositories. |
10. |
Epidemiology and population health |
Includes burden of disease, application of epidemiology in public policy; any topics that may not fit into other abstract categories may be submitted here. |
11. |
Epidemiology in media and communications |
Includes approaches to and experiences in communicating population health issues and/or study findings in popular media; scientific communication in public health are included here. |
12. |
Genetic epidemiology |
Includes the interplay between genetic and environmental components associated with diseases as well as statistical genetics. |
13. |
Infectious disease epidemiology |
Includes research related to HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, SARS-CoV-2, emerging infectious diseases as well as issues of drug-resistance. |
14. |
Injury and violence epidemiology |
Includes the mechanisms of injury and violence including opioid overdose, motor vehicle crashes, falls, homicide, suicide, and natural and human-induced disasters. |
15. |
Lifecourse epidemiology |
Includes long-term biological, behavioural, and psychosocial processes linking adult health and disease risk to exposures acting during gestation and early life. |
16. |
Neuroepidemiology |
Includes organic brain disease, dementia, disorders of cognition, epilepsy, developmental disorders and related issues. |
17. |
Nutritional epidemiology |
Includes nutritional determinants of disease and methods of nutritional assessment. |
18. |
Pharmacoepidemiology |
Includes patterns of utilisation and adherence, safety signal detection, comparative effectiveness and cost-benefit/risk- benefit of drugs, vaccines, biologics, medical procedures, and medical devices utilisation. |
19. |
Psychiatric epidemiology |
Includes the epidemiological study of psychological phenomena as well as research related to mental health services. |
20. |
Reproductive, perinatal and paediatric epidemiology |
Includes patterns and determinants of health and disease in reproduction, maternal health and child development. |
21. |
Respiratory epidemiology |
Includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and chronic lung disease (respiratory infections may be submitted here or in the infectious disease epidemiology track). |
22. |
Social epidemiology |
Includes the impact of social, economic and/or structural conditions (eg, social inequalities, social relationships, social capital, and work stress) on states of health. |
23. |
Teaching and training in epidemiology |
Includes pedagogy and curriculum development in epidemiology; design and operation of training activities; as well as general aspects of epidemiology workforce planning. |
24. |
Veterinary epidemiology |
Includes One Health research and animal health related data. |
It is our pleasure to host the World Congress of Epidemiology from September 24-27, 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa. We will return to an in-person format for this edition of the triennial congress of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA). It will be wonderful to have the global epidemiology community together again!
WCE is well-known for bringing epidemiologists and public health experts working in different sectors together in an atmosphere designed to promote dialogue, the interchange of ideas, and state-of-the-art scientific research. The theme of WCE2024 is “Epidemiology and complexity: challenges and responses” which will engage the full depth and breadth of methods and practice in contemporary epidemiology. The meeting will feature top-calibre invited speakers presenting plenary lectures, workshops and interactive sessions. The abstract-driven programme will include oral and poster presentations including theory and application from every sub-discipline of epidemiology. With more than 1000 delegates expected, WCE2024 promises to be a unique opportunity to share experiences and expertise – the opportunities to learn, grow and network within the field will be phenomenal.
This is the first time the congress will be hosted on the African continent and the Cape Town International Convention Centre provides a world-class venue for this meeting. And of course, Cape Town is a city of unrivalled natural beauty, rich in history and culture with incredible cuisine and wine.
We encourage you to take a few days before or after the meeting to explore the proximal beauty of Table Mountain and the Peninsula, the Winelands as well as the Garden Route. In addition, your visit to Cape Town should be supplemented with trips to other nearby, remarkable destinations in South Africa and the region.
We invite you to start preparing now for what promises to be a special blend of cutting-edge science in a truly special setting. We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town in September 2024!
Best wishes,

Landon Myer
Conference Chair: WCE2024
Division of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Public Health, University of Cape Town
In order to promote greater inclusion in the conference, the IEA has revised the registration fees to enhance accessibility. The conference features a multi-tiered fee system, with reduced registration costs available to IEA members, delegates from countries classified as lower-middle-income and low-income (according to World Bank criteria), as well as students and postdoctoral researchers.
Unit Cost |
LMIC – Students Early Bird |
$300 |
LMIC – Students Regular |
$450 |
LMIC – Students Onsite |
$650 |
LMIC – Member Rate Early Bird |
$450 |
LMIC – Member Rate Regular |
$550 |
LMIC – Member Rate Onsite |
$700 |
LMIC – Non-Member Rate Early Bird |
$550 |
LMIC – Non-Member Rate Regular |
$650 |
LMIC – Non-Member Rate Onsite |
$800 |
* USD amounts are given for international reference, payment will be made in South African Rands
Unit Cost |
HIC – Students Early Bird |
$400 |
HIC – Students Regular |
$550 |
HIC – Students Onsite |
$750 |
HIC – Member Early Bird |
$600 |
HIC – Member Regular |
$700 |
HIC – Member Onsite |
$850 |
HIC – Non-Member Early Bird |
$750 |
HIC – Non-Member Regular |
$850 |
HIC – Non-Member Rate Onsite |
$1 000 |
*USD amounts are given for international reference, payment will be made in South African Rands
- To be able to register as a Student or Postdoctoral researcher, individuals must present proof of full-time enrollment at a recognised university or college at both the time of registration and during WCE2024.
- A day pass offers one-day access to all in-person conference sessions. These passes can only be obtained on-site and will be priced at 50% of the full conference registration fee.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。