
◆ 会议时间:2025年10月7-11日
◆ 会议地点:奥地利 维也纳


◆ 会议简介:


WMS 2025 - 30th Annual International Congress of the World Muscle Society

Date: 7-11 October 2025
Venue: Austria Centre, Vienna, Austria



Abstracts submission deadline
the end of 10th April 2025 (midnight BST)

Late breaking abstract submission opens
1st August 2025

Late breaking abstract submission deadline
the end of 31st August 2025 (midnight BST)

To submit an abstract for WMS 2025, you must first register to attend



Dear members of the World Muscle Society, friends and colleagues,

We are pleased and proud to invite you to join us for the 30th annual International Congress of the World Muscle Society at the Austria Centre in Vienna, Austria from the 7th to the 11th of October, 2025. 

Following recent successes in Halifax, Charleston and, most recently, Prague, we have seen the WMS Congress go from strength to strength and we very much aim to build on that success for WMS 2025. 

Not only is Vienna a beautiful and historical city in the heart of Europe, it is also a centre for scientific discovery. New Scientist magazine describes Vienna as “a city that, at the turn of the last century, was Europe’s most important cultural and academic melting pot.” When we bring together our international audience, we hope to recreate that melting pot, using our shared experiences and expertise to advance the science and understanding of neuromuscular disorders.

As we will celebrate an important WMS anniversary in Vienna, you can expect some sensational surprises alongside all the features you have come to expect from a WMS Congress: a cutting-edge scientific programme; posters and short oral presentations from all over the world; access to leading experts in the field; and almost unlimited opportunities to network.

As we prepare WMS 2025, we will also be striving to make it our most inclusive, accessible and sustainable Congress yet. 

We hope to see you in Vienna.


Günther Bernert and Verena Bittner
WMS 2025 Congress Local Organising Committee




Congress registration fees

Not including the Pre-Congress Teaching Course. Fees for this element are listed further below. 

  In person Virtual Only In person  Virtual Only
  Early Bird Fees: Available until 5th June 2025 Regular Fees: Available from 6th June 2025
WMS member* £200     £50 £250 £60
Non-member £380 £100 £475 £125
WMS student member* £80 £5 £120 £10
Student non-member £225 £50 £280 £60

Patient advocacy scientific representative (price per person)
+ Optional table









WMS industry member* £480 £150 £600 £180
Industry non-member £880 £500 £1,100 £600
Financial/investment/analytical (virtual only) n/a £1100 n/a £1100

*This refers to an active WMS membership held by the delegate; please note that WMS membership details will be requested during the registration process and will be verified. 
The above registration fees are stated in GBP and include VAT. In person tickets include 20% Austrian VAT, and virtual tickets have 20% UK VAT added and EU VAT will also be applied, as explained above, if applicable.

In person Congress registration includes: Virtual Congress Registration Includes:
  • Access to all scientific sessions and industry symposia 
  • Access to exhibition and poster areas
  • Networking breaks (morning refreshments, lunch and afternoon refreshments on Congress days as per the programme)
  • Access to all scientific sessions, industry symposia, sponsor and exhibitor details and e-poster presentations via the Congress app and virtual platform
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME certificate
  • Option to attend the Peer Networking session (subject to limited availability, and not live streamed to the Congress app and virtual platform)
  • Option to attend the Pre-Congress Teaching Course at an additional fee
  • Option to attend the Group Activities at an additional fee
  • Option to attend the Networking Reception at an additional fee
  • Option to attend the Networking Dinner at an additional fee
  • Access to all scientific sessions, industry symposia, sponsor and exhibitor details and e-poster presentations via the Congress app and virtual platform
  • Option to attend the Pre-Congress Teaching Course at an additional fee
  • Certificate of attendance
  • CME certificate



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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