
◆ 会议时间:2022年11月2日-5日
◆ 会议地点:阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯/Buenos Aires, Argentina


◆ 会议简介:



18th World Congress on Cancers of the Skin
Date: OCTOBER 26-29 , 2022
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

The World Congress on Cancers of the Skin is held in a different country every two years, and is sponsored jointly by The Skin Cancer Foundation and dermatological organizations from the host country. Since 1983 the Congress has enabled physicians to interact with distinguished international faculty and learn about breakthrough discoveries in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of all types of skin cancer.

The World Congress on Cancers of the Skin has become a major interdisciplinary and influential Congress for clinicians and basic scientists working in the challenging fields of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer. This exciting Congress brings over 1,000 attendees together from around the world.




  • All abstracts must be submitted through the Congress webpage.
  • Abstracts have to be in FINALIZED status after this deadline.
  • Not finalized abstracts (OPEN status) will not be considered.
  • All abstracts will be submitted in English with a quality of spelling and grammar suitable for publication (there will be no further linguistic review).
  • Submission of an abstract indicates acceptance and compliance with the abstract submission rules and statements of responsibility.
  • Abstracts previously presented or published will not be accepted for presentation.
  • Submission of multiple abstracts on a single study may result in the rejection of one or more abstracts.
  • The SUBMITTING AUTHOR will be responsible for the proper presentation and receive all correspondence about the abstract, so we suggest that the submitting author be the presenting author.
  • Abstracts are peer reviewed and ranked by experts in the selected thematic area.
  • Accepted abstracts are official communications to the Congress; the presenting author MUST REGISTER at the time of acceptance of the abstract and agrees to attend the Congress and present the abstract as scheduled.
  • The presenting author must be listed as the first author. The system allows you to change the order of authors as well as choose the presenter during the uploading process.
  • Abstracts can be saved in “Open status” to be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline.
  • Authors should indicate the institution they represent with their abstract.
  • If authors´ names appear on more than one abstract, their names and their affiliations must appear and be spelled identically on each abstract in order to facilitate proper indexing.
  • When finishing the submission, the author will receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • No changes are allowed after the presentation is finalized.
  • The work involving humans, animals or material derived from them must have been approved by an institutional ethics committee.
  • Drug products should be identified by their generic name only; trade names are not allowed.
  • Abbreviations must be done according to the Biology Publications style manual. Place nonstandard abbreviations in parentheses after the complete word, the first time it appears.
  • Only standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Data should be presented in units (the international metric system is preferred) generally used in publications.
  • Only essential references should be included and these should be placed in parentheses at the end of abstracts: you can use numbers in the text to refer to them.

After clicking the final submit button, the submitting author will receive an e-mail confirmation that includes the allocated abstract number. If not, please contact us.

The system will send all necessary notifications to the SUBMITTING AUTHOR’s email address. The Scientific Committee is not responsible for incorrect loading of these data and consequences that may occur in communications. Verify the accuracy of the uploaded data.

The acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be notified before July 25, 2022. Details regarding oral presentation (time and date) or e-poster viewing only will be included in this notification email.

Authors who wish to withdraw their abstract should send a written request to cecilia.cabaleiro@anajuan.com cecilia.cabaleiro@anajuan.com

Structure your abstract using the following subheadings:

Introduction & Objectives: Describe the background and the purpose of the study.
Materials & Methods: Describe the material and methods used to design the study.
Results: Describe your results in a logical sequence.
Conclusion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them.

If it is a case:
Case presentation:

Authors will have to specify whether they wish to present an oral communication or a poster.

  • Oral communication. Abstracts selected for this category will have a 7 minute presentation plus 3 minutes for discussion.
  • E-Poster Viewing Only. Abstracts selected for this category will upload their posters electronically. The posters will be available for viewing at the E-poster stations.
The Scientific Committee reserves the right to take the final decision concerning the topic and the way abstracts will be presented.


1. Prevention of skin cancer
2. Update on Non-melanoma skin cancer
3. New treatments for melanoma
4. Dermoscopy of skin cancer
5. Skin cancers in organ transplant recipients
6. Cutaneous lymphoma
7. Genetics and biology of melanoma
8. Mohs surgery for skin cancer
9. Surgical pearls for reconstruction after skin cancer removal
10. The carcinogenic field
11. New and emerging treatments for skin cancers of the head and neck
12. Merkel cell carcinoma
13. Miscellaneous

Only the accepted abstracts of fully registered and paid presenters can be included in the final Congress program.
Registration and payment is required by Monday, August 29, 2022.
Failure to register and pay by this date will result in your abstract being removed from the program.




  May 26, 2022 September 26, 2022 On site Virtual
Deadline October 14, 2022
Full Congress Delegate USD 450 USD 550 USD 700 USD 350
Resident & Student * USD 150 USD 200 USD 250 USD 125
CILAD/SAD Members ** USD 225 USD 275 USD 350 USD 175
National Societies *** USD 300 USD 350 USD 425 USD 210

* Students must submit copy of their student card or a certificate from the Learning Institution as a regular student.
* Residents must submit a letter from their program director
** CILAD: Ibero Latin American College of Dermatology
** SAD: Argentine Society of Dermatology
*** Members of National Societies of Dermatology (Latin American countries) and members of Grupo Basileiro de Melanoma.



Full Congress Delegate & CILAD Member & National Societies
  • Admission to all congress sessions, e-posters, industry sessions and technical exhibition.
  • Access to the Opening and Closing ceremony.
  • Admission to the Welcome Reception.
  • Congress documents.
  • Certificate of attendance
Student │ Resident
  • Admission to all congress sessions, poster areas and technical exhibition.
  • Access to the Opening and Closing ceremony.
  • Congress documents.
  • Certificate of attendance
Access to the 18TH WCCS Congress digital platform 'On demand' full scientific & educational program available until 26 January 2023

  • Access to the 18TH WCCS Congress digital platform Live full scientific & educational program
  • Opportunities to interact and discuss online
  • All Scientific sessions available on-line until 26 January 2023
  • Certificate off attendance



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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