
◆ 会议时间:2025年5月7日至10日
◆ 会议地点:美国 圣失戈(圣地亚哥)


◆ 会议简介:


美国研究皮肤病学会(SID,国内也称美国实验皮肤病学会)成立于1937年,致力于通过教育、宣传和科学信息交流推动和促进与皮肤健康和疾病相关学科的发展。SID每年春季在美国举行年度科学会议,每5年与ESDR和JSID联合举办年会,称为“国际研究皮肤病学(IID-International Investigation Dermatology)”会议。SID年会是研究皮肤病学领域最为权威的国际学术会议之一,汇集了千余名来自世界各地的对皮肤病学感兴趣宣的基础和临床科学家,共同探讨发现基于实验室、临床和转化研究的最新研究成果。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。

SID 2025 - 82nd Anuual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID)

Date: May 7-10, 2025
Location: Hilton San Diego Bayfront, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, USA



Regular Abstract

Abstract Submission Site Opens: November 1, 2024

Abstract Submission Site Closes: January 14, 2025, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time

Abstract Reviews: January 18 – February 1, 2025

Program Planning Meeting: February 10-11, 2025

Abstract Status Notifications: Week of February 17, 2025

Late-Breaking Abstracts

Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Site Opens: March 1, 2025

Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Site Closes: March 18, 2025, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time

Late-Breaking Abstract Reviews: March 19 – 25, 2025

Late-Breaking Abstract Status Notifications: March 26 – 31, 2025

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>


Abstract Submission Information:


  • All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system (CLICK HERE) by the posted deadline to be considered for acceptance.  No fax copies, disk or  e-mail submissions will be accepted.
  • You can enter your abstract, save it, and return for edits or updates any time prior to the deadline.  The Complete Payment button must be clicked before the deadline.  Changes to abstract titles or abstract text, as well as additions or deletions of author names, will not be permitted after submission. Proofread your abstract to identify and correct any errors before submission.
  • Only the individual listed as the official contact of the submission has authority to withdraw it or revise content. If an abstract must be withdrawn after submitted, request must be received no later than March 15, 2025. To withdraw your abstract, email abstracts@sidnet.org. Include your name, abstract control ID# (7-digits) and abstract title.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present their work if the abstract is accepted.


  • The material must not have been published prior to submission of the abstract or presented at any conference prior to the date of presentation at the Annual Meeting. Simultaneous submission of the same abstract to other meetings is prohibited. If there is a real or perceived conflict of interest pertaining to your abstract or presentation, especially one of personal or departmental financial benefit, please provide this information on this site.
  • There is a limit of 2,300 characters for the text of your abstract submission (title, authors, institutions, abstract body and all spaces will be counted).


  • The publication/processing fee is $50 US and must be paid via the internet at the time of submission.


  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the to-be-determine 2025 Supplement issue of the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID).  The abstracts will be made available as an unofficial document as part of the meeting via links on the SID website approximately early May 2025.
  • Authors retain copyright in their abstracts and grant the Society for Investigative Dermatology an exclusive license to publish their abstract in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.


  • After the abstract submission deadline, all abstracts will be reviewed by the SID Committee on Scientific Programs, plus two independent reviewers for each category topic.  The committee reviews all abstracts without knowing the identity of authors.
  • Notification of the status of abstracts will be sent electronically to the official contact and presenter later in the week of February 17, 2025.


  • All accepted abstracts will be selected for presentation during one of four session types:  Plenary (up to 12 minutes oral presentation), Concurrent Mini-Symposium (up to 10 minutes oral presentation), e-Poster Discussion (up to 5 minutes oral presentation), and Poster Only
  • All presenters (regardless of presentation status) will also be required to participate in their assigned Poster Session on either the Thursday or Friday of the meeting.  This information will be available when abstract status notifications are posted in late February 2025.

TRAVEL GRANTS (Applications open on 11/1/2024 and NOT available during the Late-Breaking Submission period):

  • Travel Grants will be awarded to investigators to participate in the SID 2025 Annual Meeting to present their scientific work.  Awards will be made to Under-represented Minorities (URM’s), those from developing countries, and merit-based.  Submit your completed application by the abstract submission deadline of Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET US.  Step 3 of the abstract submission process is the venue to apply for consideration.

All abstracts (if accepted) are to also be presented as posters.  








SID Member
(includes ESDR Joint Membership)






ISID Member*
(ASDR, JSID, KSID, SRSS, TSID, ESDR non-SID joint membership)



Administrator/Lab Technician



Guest Registration**




Resident/Post-Doc Member



Resident/Post-Doc Non-Member







Social Event



Trainee Reception



* Registration in this category is pending verification by the SID Office of a valid membership with the home society.
**Guest Registration only allows for admission to the Welcome Reception and Social Event.
*** Non-Member Residents, Post-Doctoral Fellows and Pre-Doctoral Students must mail or fax to the SID office a letter from their department verifying their status. Letters must be signed and on official university/institution letterhead.



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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