
◆ 会议时间:2025年10月24-29日
◆ 会议地点:美国 菲尼克斯


◆ 会议简介:



ACG 2025 - American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course

Date: October 24-29, 2025
Venue: Phoenix, AZ, USA

The Premier GI Clinical Meeting & Postgraduate Course




Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission period opens March 11, 2024, and closes June 17, 2024, 11:59pm (ET).


Important 2024 Abstract Dates:

Monday, March 11 Abstract submission period opens
Monday, June 17, 11:59 pm (ET) Abstract submission period closes
Late July Notifications regarding acceptance disposition are emailed to Presenting Authors
Late July / Early August Deadline to accept invitation to present
Friday, September 6 Deadline for oral abstract presenters to submit a slide presentation
Friday, October 11 Deadline for poster presenters to submit an ePoster file and record 3-minute narrative
Sunday - Tuesday, October 27-29 Accepted poster presentations will be scheduled for display in Philadelphia on one of these days
Monday, October 28 Endoscopy Video Forum (Details below)
Monday - Wednesday, October 28-30 Accepted oral abstracts will be scheduled for in-person presentation on one of these days

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

Download complete submission instructions here.


Live from Philadelphia! The 12th Annual Endoscopy Video Forum

Share your unique case or case series with colleagues by submitting a video abstract to the 12th Annual Endoscopy Video Forum for ACG 2024.

Held on Monday afternoon, October 28, 2024, this 75-minute session will focus on endoscopy techniques, challenging, unusual or unique cases, and cases in the area of GI endoscopy. All submitted videos will be considered for oral presentation during this special video symposium. Videos not selected for oral presentation may instead be accepted for poster presentation in the exhibit hall.

Submissions can be a case or a case series and should be no longer than 5 minutes in length. Authors of accepted videos will narrate and present their video live and will have up to 2 minutes to answer questions from the judges and the audience. During the session, the audience, along with the judges, will vote to select the best video of the ACG 2024 meeting. The presenter of the winning video will receive a certificate of recognition.



Payment: A fee of $60 (payable online via credit card in U.S. dollars) is required for each submitted abstract to cover administrative costs. There will be no refunds and no exceptions made to this policy. Payment instructions are provided as part of the online abstract submission process. Abstracts can only be submitted AFTER the payment process has been completed.


Abstract Categories:

  • Biliary/Pancreas
  • Clinical Vignettes/Case Reports (5 or fewer patients only)
  • Colon
  • Colorectal Cancer Prevention
  • Endoscopy Video Forum
  • Esophagus
  • Functional Bowel Disease
  • General Endoscopy (EGD, colonoscopy, sedation, etc.)
  • GI Bleeding
  • IBD
  • Interventional Endoscopy (ERCP, EUS, ESD, bariatric endoscopy, etc.)
  • Liver
  • Obesity
  • Pediatrics
  • Practice Management (quality, EMR, healthcare disparities, malpractice, etc.)
  • Small Intestine
  • Stomach




ACG Member Registration Fees

Physician Member Resident/Trainee/
Candidate Member
Advanced Practice Provider/
Associate Member
GI Pathology and Imaging Course
Friday, October 25
$230 $200 $200
What's New in GI Pharmacology Course
Friday, October 25
$230 $200 $200
Practice Management Summit
Friday, October 25
$270 $80 $200
ACG Guide to the Guidelines Course
Friday, October 25
$270 $200 $200
ASGE Endoscopy Course
Friday, October 25
$390 $200 $200
Postgraduate Course
Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27
$550 $0 $280
*Postgraduate Course Optional Learning Luncheon Bonus Sessions $150 $150 $150
Annual Scientific Meeting
Monday - Wednesday, October 28 -30
$0 $0 $0
Annual Scientific Meeting Bonus Sessions
(virtual only)
$100 $100 $100
**ACG Virtual Access Pass
(virtual only)
$1,224 $584 $904
***ACG Virtual Access Pass + ASGE
(virtual only)
$1,536 $744 $1,064


ACG Non-Member Registration Fees

Non-Member Physician/
Non-Member Resident/
Non-Member NP/PA/Allied
Health/Practice Manager
GI Pathology and Imaging Course
Friday, October 25
$280 $250 $250
What's New in GI Pharmacology Course
Friday, October 25
$280 $250 $250
Practice Management Summit
Friday, October 25
$320 $250 $250
ACG Guide to the Guidelines Course
Friday, October 25
$320 $250 $250
ASGE Endoscopy Course
Friday, October 25
$490 $250 $250
Postgraduate Course
Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27
$670 $280 $400
*Postgraduate Course Optional Learning Luncheon Bonus Sessions $150 $150 $150
Annual Scientific Meeting
Monday - Wednesday, October 28 -30
$550 $50 $280
Annual Scientific Meeting Bonus Sessions
(virtual only)
$100 $100 $100
**ACG Virtual Access Pass
(virtual only)
$1,880 $1,064 $1,344
***ACG Virtual Access Pass + ASGE
(virtual only)
$2,272 $1,264 $1,544



◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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