◆ 会议时间:2025年11月18-22日
◆ 会议地点:新加坡(Singapore)
◆ 会议简介:
亚太消化疾病周(APDW) 是亚太地区消化系统疾病领域最具影响力的国际学术盛会,会议主题涵盖胃肠病学、肝病学、内镜学及消化外科学宣等领域,届时将有来自世界各地的数千名专业与会者代表,包括胃肠病学家、肝病学家、内镜医师、外科医生、科学家和护士等,共同探讨、分享和交流胃肠病与肝病学研究与临床实践的前沿技术与知识,包括临床研究、内镜操作、外科手术和各大消化系统疾病的防治等等。未经许可禁止复制摘录转载本站任何内容-领域国际医学会议网(lingyuint.com)。
Asian Pacific Digestive Disease Week (APDW 2025)
November 18-22, 2025
Suntec, Singapore
Organized by:
Asian Pacific Digestive Week Federation (APDWF)
THEME: "Innovate, Integrate, Invigorate: a new era in Gastroenterology"
The Asian Pacific Digestive Disease Week (APDW) is the premier annual scientific meeting in Asia Pacific region for digestive diseases.
The Asian Pacific Digestive Week Federation (APDWF) is set up by the four professional medical non-profit organizations: The Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology (APAGE), The Asian-Pacific Society of Digestive Endoscopy (A-PSDE), The Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL), The International Society for Digestive Surgery-Asian Pacific Section (ISDS-AP) to promote and organize an annual scientific meeting: Asian Pacific Digestive Week (APDW), devoted to all aspects of digestive diseases.
How to submit abstracts
Complete registration (payment not required yet). Abstract Submission Link will be shared via email.
2 Submit your Abstracts by 26 Aug 2024
3 Receive Acceptance Notice by Aug / Sep 2024
4 Complete payment on or before 26 August 2024
点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>
For review purposes, abstracts are required to be categorized into different themes as follows:
- Upper GI bleeding
- GERD and esophageal disease
- H pylori infection
- Functional dyspepsia and gastritis
- Gut-brain-axis disorders
- Pancreatitis and biliary tract diseases
- GI oncology
- Upper GI endoscopy
- Colorectal endoscopy
- Small bowel endoscopy
- Biliary endoscopy
- Capsule endoscopy
- ERCP and biliary drainage
- Tunnel techniques
- Hepatitis B/ Hepatitis C
- Cirrhosis
- Liver failure
- Liver transplantation complications
- Portal hypertension
- Minimally invasive surgery
- GI cancers
- Liver surgery
- Pancreatic surgery
- Pancreatitis treatment
- Bariatric therapy for obesity
- Pediatric GI surgery
- IBD surgery
Abstract Structure
1. Title: The title should indicate the abstract content. Company or trade names, special symbols, characters and uncommon abbreviations are not permitted
2. Type: You may select one of the following types of abstract
- Poster Presentation
- Oral Presentation
- YIA Presentation
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Abstract Selection Committee who will select and determine the final mode of presentation
3. Content:
Abstract body should not exceed 250 words. Content must be organised in the following structure, based on the abstract type
- Section headings: "Objectives", "Materials and Methods", "Results" and "Conclusion"
- A sample abstract can be viewed here
Registration Fees (in US Dollars)
Replacement and Cancellation
- Replacement or Cancellation requests must be notified in writing / email to the Congress Secretariat.
- Before 1 September 2024 - Refund with $150 administration fee and complimentary replacement.
- Before 1 October 2024 - Refund with $250 administration fee and complimentary replacement.
- From 1 October 2024 - No refund and administration fee of $100 for replacement.
- Refunds will be processed within one month after the congress by telegraphic transfer or credit card facilities.
◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。