第八届中欧生物材料大会(CESB 2024)

◆ 会议时间:2024年9月15-18日
◆ 会议地点:德国 纽伦堡


◆ 会议简介:

第八届中欧生物材料大会(CESB 2024)将于2024年9月15日至18日在德国纽伦堡举行,会议由中国生物材料学会与欧洲生物材料学会联合主办。

第八届中欧生物材料大会(CESB 2024)
The 8th China-Europe Symposium on Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine

September 15 - 18, 2024

Scandic Nürnberg Central
Nuremberg (Germany)

Organized by:
Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM)
European Society for Biomaterials (ESB)



The abstract deadline for oral and poster contributions closed May 10, 2024.

THE DEADLINE IS JUNE 24, 2024, 23:59:00 CET


Extended abstract submission deadline: Friday, May 10, 2024, 23:55:00 CET.
Author notifications will be sent in June 2024.

Registration deadline for selected abstract presenters: before July 15, 2024.
All abstracts without registration and payment of the presenting author until July 15, 2024 have to be deleted and cannot be considered for the program planning.

Call for last minute abstracts (poster presentation only) starting end of May, deadline: June 24, 2024.
There will be a call for last-minute abstracts for poster presentations only, which will open end of May 2024 and close on June 24, 2024, 23:55:00 CET. Please refer to the web pages and mailings for updates.



Abstracts must be complete, relevant, balanced and written in high-quality English. This will help review and selection by the Scientific Committee.

Please note the general rules for abstract submission

  • Each participant may upload up to 3 abstracts.
  • Please note that each paper shall be accompanied by at least one full conference registration (i.e., two speaker registrations are needed for two accepted papers, e.g. from the main author or a co-author of the paper). In case of no registration and payment of the presenting author, the paper will be deleted from the abstract book afterwards (despite full payment).
  • Papers can be submitted for either oral presentation or poster presentation.
  • The designated presenting author should present the abstract on-site.
  • Only abstracts from registered delegates who paid the registration fees in full will be considered for program planning and published in the abstract book.
  • Every abstract has to be assigned to one of the topics of the conference – which are the terms written in the list at the end of this page. To ensure allocation to suitable reviewers please select a main topic that characterise the content of the abstract best. Additionally, you can submit 2 alternative topics (helpful for program planning) as well as 3 keywords (used for keyword index and online program).

Abstracts should be formatted as follows

  • Your submission has to be written in English.
  • Your abstract may not contain more than 5000 characters (including spaces).
  • You can upload up to 2 figures/images to your abstract.
  • You have to select a main topic to your abstract which characterise the content of the abstract best (to be used for allocation of reviewers to the abstract). Additionally, you can select 2 alternative topics.
  • The abstract should state the purpose, methods and results of the study.
  • You have to define 3 key words that will be used for search purposes in the abstract book and online program.
  • Please ensure complete listing and correct order of all (co-)authors, correct formatting and grammar. Accepted abstracts will be printed and published as they have been submitted. After the submission deadline, changes will not be possible anymore.
All papers will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness by external reviewers The Program Committee reserves the right to reorient oral-presentation papers to poster presentation and vice versa, to obtain the most suitable presentation format.





Registration fee Early by 15 July 2024 Regular by 31 August 2024 Late / On-site from 01 September 2024
720.00 EUR
820.00 EUR
850.00 EUR
820.00 EUR
920.00 EUR
950.00 EUR
390.00 EUR
490.00 EUR
500.00 EUR
Invited Plenary & Keynote Speaker
0.00 EUR
Networking Event
60.00 EUR
60.00 EUR
60.00 EUR
Accompanying persons***
100.00 EUR
100.00 EUR
100.00 EUR


Please note:

  • *Members of the national societies of ESB and CSBM are entitled to register at the member rate.
  • **All full-time students or PhD candidates are entitled to register at the student rate when uploading a full proof of matriculation (i.e. a scanned copy of the student ID card or a letter from their institution confirming full time under or postgraduate student status) during the online registration. Please kindly note that students still have to be enrolled at the time of the congress. The collected information will be used to verify the congress registration requirements and will be deleted afterwards.
  • ***You may register an accompanying person for the Welcome reception and Networking Event. Please kindly note that the conference fee for accompanying persons includes attendance at the Welcome Reception and Networking Event only. It does NOT include access to scientific sessions or entrance to the CESB 2024 conference venue.
  • General information: Please note that no other reduced fees or discounts are offered in addition to those listed here. This applies regardless of the interested party’s country of origin.

The registration fees include:

  • Attendance to all scientific sessions
  • Access to the exhibition and poster area
  • Access to the welcome reception on Sunday, 15 September 2024



会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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