
◆ 会议时间:2026年5月14-16日
◆ 会议地点:克罗地亚 杜布罗夫尼克


◆ 会议简介:

2026年第12届欧洲手术室护士协会(EORNA)双年大会将于2026年5月14-16日在克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克举行。EORNA大会将为代表们提供各种创新和有趣的议题,包括口头报告、海报会议和研讨会。会议的主题是“WINDS OF CHANGE”,通过这一主题表明这一专业不断向前发展,以加强围手术期护理,在手术室中使用更先进的技术来提高患者护理的质量和安全性。上届EORNA大会有来自40多个国家的代表参加,这是一个同世界各地的同事学习和分享知识的重要机会。


12th biennial congress of European Perioperative Nurses Association

Date: May 14-16, 2026
Venue:Dubrovnik, Croatia





Key Dates

Abstract Submission opens: 23 February 2023

Abstract Submission deadline for Oral Presentations: 1 August 2023

Notification of Abstract Acceptance for Oral Presentations: October 2023

Abstract Submission opens for e-Posters: 24 October 2023

Abstract Submission for e-Posters closes: 1 February 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance for e-Posters: April 2024

点此提交摘要>>>Submit Abstract>>>

While preparing your abstract for submission, you must consider:  

1- In which format would you like to present your research?  

  • Oral presentation  
  • Poster  

2- Which study type does your abstract belong to?  

  • Scientific Research  

Authors submitting a ‘Scientific Research’ Study are required to elaborate and add to the template: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusion. 

  • Case Study  

Authors submitting a ‘Case Study’ are required to add Background, Objectives, Main Findings and Conclusion. 

  • Compilation  

3- Which topic is mostly represented in the content?  

The Scientific Committee invites nurses and researchers worldwide to submit an abstract for the 11th EORNA Congress (2024). Abstracts must be submitted in English and should fall under one of the categories below:

  • Perioperative/clinical practice  
  • Education Leadership/management  
  • Patient Safety  
  • Healthy Workplaces 
  • Other  

 Please note that you may express your preference during the submission. However, the Scientific Programme Committee will take the final decision on which format and study type are most suitable for EORNA 2024. 

 All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed based on the criteria specified below and the scoring rubric. Authors are invited to consider these criteria while preparing and before submitting the abstract. 

  1. Relevance: The content is relevant for clinical practice, it is of interest to the scientific community, it aligns with the submission topics
  2. Originality: The content is original and noteworthy
  3. Scientific content: If you have chosen the study type ‘Scientific Research’ the reviewers will evaluate the following aspects: The purpose of the study is clearly stated; Methods & recommendations made for practice, research, service, or teaching; Design, sample, setting, data collection, and data analysis methods are identified and appropriate for the research purpose/question.
  4. Language and guidelines: The abstract follows the guidelines and it is well written. 



Welcome Message

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of EORNA, the Scientific Committee, and the Local Organising Committee it is our great pleasure to invite you to join the 11th biennial congress of European Perioperative Nurses Association on May 16th – 18th 2024.

In the year 2024, we are hopefully free from the restrictions of the pandemic and can enjoy the congress activities to the fullest.

For 27 years, EORNA has hosted congresses for its members and the international perioperative nursing community at large, attracting a significant number of international attendees from Europe and around the world to share best perioperative practices and research findings that will shape the future of our field and raise the standards of perioperative care.

Following the tradition of previous congresses, a stimulating scientific programme, prepared by the Scientific Committee, will be presented in oral as well as in poster presentations. The attendees are offered an outstanding exhibition, opportunity to meet with colleagues, learn about new developments in perioperative practice, and experience the wonderful hospitality and scenery of Valencia.

The 11th EORNA Congress will take place in Spain, specifically in Valencia, at the Palacio de Congresos.

Valencia is a city well connected to the world through its international airport of Manises, high speed trains (AVE), highways between its cities, extensive metro, and bus network with a cruise terminal in its Mediterranean port. Valencia is known as the “City of Light”, a truly beautiful city that will provide you with a very warm welcome. With 300 days of sunshine a year, on the dates of the Congress, the temperature ranges between 16º and 24º.

You must get to know the essential places of Valencia; The City of Arts and Sciences, the Cathedral, Miguelete and the Chapel of the Holy Grail,  San Nicolas de Bari Church, known as the Valencian Sistine Chapel; La Lonja de la Seda jewel of civil Gothic declared world heritage of UNESCO, the Central Market which is the largest fresh produce market in Europe with all the flavor and smell of the Mediterranean.

You need to have a walk into The Barrio del Carmen ( Carmen’s neigbourhood), Torres de los Serranos and torres de Quart (Serrano’s and Quart’s towers)  two fortified gates of the medieval wall of Valencia that are still standing.

La Albufera, nature in its purest form, Valencia beaches of golden sand, the largest Oceanographic in Europe, the Marina de Valencia has become an emerging socio-cultural focus of the city by the sea.

And some fantastic museums: Fine Arts, Modern Art, National Museum of Ceramics, Centro del Carmen, the silk museum, the Turia Garden, the Bioparc ( Valencia zoo). Cycling around the city is an option, it has more than 150 km of bike lanes. And to top it all off, eat a good paella or enjoy the extensive and varied gastronomy, discovering and enjoying the terraces to eat during the day and have drinks at night.

The theme of the congress is LIGHTS OF HOPE. There are a lot going on in the world now. The political atmosphere is distressing, and the pandemic has had its influence in everyone’s life. Perioperative nurses have struggled with work in their own as well as other units, where their contributions have been significant. Even though the pandemic seems to be reaching its end, we are still paying its consequences for a while. The theme of the congress reflects hope for the better, light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s hope the light shines brightly in Valencia 2024.

The Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Surgical Nursing (AEEQ), and on behalf of its President Amparo Rubio, opens its arms to EORNA, to its member states, and to all the attendees, perioperative nurses, with the desire to give them a sincere and warm welcome upon their arrival in Valencia.

Our wish is that this Congress, the first EORNA Congress in Spain, shows the development and progress of Perioperative Nursing in Europe and that the city of Valencia becomes the space that favors a magnificent organization, participation, and remembrance.

We look forward to welcoming you to the EORNA 2024 Congress, Europe’s landmark meeting on perioperative nursing, for an inspiring and joyful experience to advance our field a step further.


Jaana Perttunen
EORNA President
Esther Espuñes
Chair of the Organising Committee
Maria Loureiro
Chair of the Scientific Committee




Prices are per person and 21% Spanish VAT is included in below costs

Congress dates: Thursday 16 – Saturday 18 May 2024

Registration types Early fee
Until 6 March 2024
Standard fee
14 May 2024
Late fee
From 15 May 2024
Delegate member 470 EUR 570 EUR 660 EUR
Delegate non-member 517 EUR 627 EUR 726 EUR
Student member* 220 EUR 220 EUR 220 EUR
Student non-member* 242 EUR 242 EUR 242 EUR
Oral presenters member 235 EUR 285 EUR 330 EUR
Oral presenters non-member 259 EUR 314 EUR 363 EUR
Free papers & Posters presenter member 375 EUR 455 EUR 525 EUR
Free papers & Posters presenter non-member 413 EUR 501 EUR 578 EUR

*To benefit from the reduced Student fee, proof of student status needs to be uploaded when registering.

Member Fee is depending on the main country of each delegate. Delegates do not have to be individual members of EORNA but their country of residence needs to be a member of EORNA.

EORNA member countries are: Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey


Registration fees include:
• Participation to scientific programme incl. Opening and Closing Ceremonies
• Entrance to the exhibition
• Lunches on Friday and Saturday
• Coffee Breaks
• Welcome Reception


◆ 参会对象:医生、医院科室主任/副主任、住院医师、医院管理者、医护人员以及从事该领域研究的科学家、研究人员、医药企业代表等等。

会议注册服务:30美金起/人/次(服务费)+ 会议注册费(按官方规定收取,注册类别请咨询客服);


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